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11 years, 148 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by wolfman29

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to visualize some some field lines for a 3D magnetic field I have simulated, and I have read that the Student[VectorCalculus] package is the best package for this type of visualization. I tried implementing it as described online and in the manual, and I got an error:

Error, (in plots/fieldplot3d) no non-zero vectors found


Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this issue?

Attached is the Maple document I am using. The section entitled "Problem Area" is where the issue is.



So I am working on doing some trajectory simulations in Maple using standard Newton's Laws, some force expressions, and initial conditions.

Anyway, the numerical solution works fine if I let the initial conditions I specified (for z=-1) be actually for z=-0.9. To illustrate, when I give an initial condition like this:

x(-1) = x_0, D(x)(-1) = xd_0, Vz(-1) = v_0

the results don't make any sense. However, when using the same x_0, xd_0, and v_0 and I give initial conditions like this:

x(-.9) = x_0, D(x)(-.9) = xd_0, Vz(-0.9) = v_0,

the solutions at least make a bit of sense.

What's weird is that, when I let z -> 0.93 or so, the solution changes discontinuously. And this shouldn't happen. The initial conditions were calculated for and should work for z = -1. I don't understand why they aren't.

Here is my Maple document. ics1 are the problem.


Do you guys have any idea what could be going on?

So I am working with the OrthgonalExpansions library (amazing library, by the way! Just what I needed!), and it is great, except it seems to be having trouble doing a 2d Fourier expansion.

I'll upload my document. transformApprox.mw

In this document, I am running the BesselSeries expansion as we speak, but the FourierSeries expansion (in 2d) can never seem to complete. It always say that it has an

Hey (again) everyone. I'm back with a question similar to (but never answered on) this post: http://www.mapleprimes.com/questions/152116-Maple-Doesnt-Recognize-Function-Definition

The problem here is almost identical, except now it won't let me define a procedure. It's very bizarre. Here is my sheet:

Hey everyone. Another question. I am getting a bug I have never gotten before - it's really bizarre. I have a sheet that works perfectly fine. All the functions are defined normally and they work properly. Then, when I get to the bottom of the sheet and try to define

> pathZ(r,theta):=(1- Heaviside(theta-Pi/(12)))*centralR*theta+Heaviside(theta-Pi/(12))*(centralR*Pi)/(12);

I get nothing being defined. I press enter while at that line and then it just goes...

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