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13 years, 58 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by wswain


So (a,b)->g(a) > g(b) compares each permutation(?) in the list of operands in the [list] to get the high/lower sequencing of the difforder for sort? where > is in higher to lower ordering?

Sometimes drives me buggy to find the "what it's doing" thing.   Was just chasing down the "tools/gensym".  I know gensym is generate symbol, but where is the reference to the base "tools/" library where this exists?   Again, maple docs failing me at the moment.

I wouldn't even know to use this if I hadn't seen it in your proc.

I really appreciate your assitance !!








Been through the code and proc and quite a nice piece of work. :-)  Checked out the DAG and see what you meant on storage inside maple.  Since this is a 'print/pre' proc the display (prettyprint) is the only thing changing - correct?

I understand the op() function now and the sort mechanism much better.  However, As an old time coder I sometimes can't wrap my head around (or say in words) of the arrow operator instantiation  (x -> x2 - clasic example in the guides).  Should this reads as,    X is assigned X2 function (?)

It seems so different and easy to just say f(x) = X2  which is relatively straight forward equation formulation.

 As such I get the "kinda" understanding of the programmer indexing (a,b) -> a > b

But, I can't say it accurately in words as an indexing method as to what a,b are doing.  As indexing of the [OP] returned list, indexing is 1,1; 1,2; 1,3 etc, in row, col format.  So, is (a,b) in arrow format to the comparison read as (a,b) pairs (r,c)  1,1; 1,2; 1,3, marching or 1,1 = a  and 1,2 = b,  then the arrow operator is the comparison?

The guide is a little short of describing the programmer indexing enough that I'm not getting it fully.

Sorry to be a little daft.  This is some of the nuances of maplesoft that sometimes needs help explaining.


Thanks much in advance if you can help.






Thank you very much for your clarification.  I do not see anything lacking.  I think your response was a bit startling of content at first blush but as you mentioned you covered the d/dt variations of all the typesetting tpes.  That was a lot more than I expected.  

I am not sure why maplesoft orders them the way they do internal as I suppose that most people read left to right in the natural taught way of texts.  You indicated this is how they are stored, so presume there is a reason.  Any illumination here would be helpful.  It would also helpo me understand why this has not been a normal mode or display, nor a command to present it as such in the main library.


Just for my knowledge in learning more about Maplesoft, how did you declare the proc as 'print/pre'  yet use only pre() as the proc call?  I'm not that savy with the coding options for prcedures, procedure naming. 

 I think I need to walk through the procedure to follow all the textual parts of the code as parts of commands, i.e. subs([ops(eqn)], ...)   returns a number, as the item in the first position instead of x = y, of the substitution into the second position declared eqn.


Your assistance is greatly appreciated and this thype of coding a process actually helps me understand maplesoft much better in how it operates at alower level to use it more effectively.

Kindest regards,







I did use "D" as a shorthand not as the operator D for diff.


Did your proc infer the shorthand.    It is quite sophisticated for accuratly described as a pretty layout.  My main reason was for the text book layout as part of including the equations in reports.






Thank you so much.  That is sooo, cool.  I really enjoy the look and function.   

Getting my reports looking just right is always one of my "perfectionist" professional challenges.


Hope to see more and keep learning more about the document maniupulation for the layouts that I like.




The Maple team responded through the support email that the Maple CAD solidworks connection function/procedure needed to be updated for the newer versions of Solidworks.  Compatibility in Jan 2016 had stopped with SW 2013.  I had SW2015, but even now have moved to SW2016.


Maplesoft needed to release updates for the new SW releases to stay compatible.  This may be a chasing issue with the two companies.  




Just as reference, first time using this service and I'm not sure why the aswers and comments feeds doesn't have a direct reply.  My normal view only shows my original question and the first response.  Any help here would be great.


Anyhow, - I have tried all the suggestions.    The package loads fine and asnwers with the commands available.


The "OpenConnection" command doesn't return a positive connect, but responds with an error that no connection is available.    Seems like it can't find Solidworks and make the hook.   Not sure if its a Maple API call issue, or a security/incorrect request by maple to Solidworks.


I've got a duplicate querry into tech support at Maple.    Solidworks says Maple is a certified special partner.


Any other thoughts gratefully received.





@Markiyan Hirnyk


Markiyan,  not sure how this link helps.   I don't see info of the problem using the CAD package "> With (CAD[Solidworks]),  > OpenConnection"    which is returning a failure, error message.

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