Introduction to this blog

From time to time, I find some problem with Maple. It is not always Maple's bug, sometimes it is just my mistake.

I am used to use "Submit Software Change Request " form, but I dont know how to trace my requests (and I even dont exactly remember which bugs I posted). Thus, I decided to publish my troubles in this blog.

Unless stated otherwise, all the troubles I specify bellow are obtained on the Mac OS X 10.5 PPC platform using Maple 14.01 (but I always do a cross-check, usually on OpenSuse 11.1 and Maple 13 to make sure it is not platform specific problem).

If you find some other bug, feel free to put it here.


Bug 1. FileTools[MakeDirectory]

FileTools[MakeDirectory]("/tmp/a/b/c/d/e/f", 'recurse'=true);

command fails when the parent directory does not exists.

Download to try it.

Bug 2. NULL module troubles

### this is ok:

p :=  proc(foo:=BAR)  
    export f;
    f := proc() foo end

p(); # ok

p(NULL); # ok

### but with NULL instead of BAR we obtain error:

p :=  proc(foo:=NULL)  
    export f;
    f := proc() foo end

p(BAR); # still OK

p(); # ERROR!


### another way to obtain the error:

p :=  proc(foo:=NULL)  

p(); # ERROR!


Download to try it.


Bug 3. radnormal fails

radnormal function fail on some specific (large) data. Please download to try it.

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