Let  us consider the general case of symbolic values C(xC,yC). I make use of the idea suggested by edgar in http://www.mapleprimes.com/questions/97743-How-To-Prove-Morleys-Trisector-Theorem : no assumptions.

restart; with(geometry); point(A, 0, 0);
point(B, 1, 0);
point(C, xC, yC);
point(MA, (xC+1)*(1/2), (1/2)*yC);
point(MC, 1/2, 0);
point(MB, (1/2)*xC, (1/2)*yC);
point(E, (0+1+xC)*(1/3), (0+0+yC)*(1/3));# the center of mass
line(l1, x = 1/4, [x, y]);
The coordinates of the center of the first described circle are found as the solutions of the system of the equations of midperpendiculars.

midpoint(ae, A, E); coordinates(ae);

S1 := solve({x = 1/4, ((xC+1)*(1/3))*(x-(xC+1)*(1/6))+(1/3)*yC*(y-(1/6)*yC) = 0}, {x, y});

BTW, Maple can't create the midperpendiculars in this case.

point(O1, op(map(rhs, S1)));

Simple details are omitted in the above. The coordinates of the centers of the two next described circles are found similarly.
coordinates(midpoint(mce, MC, E));

S2 := solve({x = 3/4, ((-1/2+xC)*(1/3))*(x-5/12-(1/6)*xC)+(1/3)*yC*(y-(1/6)*yC) = 0}, {x, y});

point(O2, op(map(rhs, S2)));

coordinates(midpoint(bma, B, MA)); coordinates(midpoint(be, B, E));


S3 := solve({(xC-1)*(x-(xC+3)*(1/4))+yC*(y-(1/4)*yC) = 0, ((-2+xC)*(1/3))*(x-(4+xC)*(1/6))+(1/3)*yC*(y-(1/6)*yC) = 0}, {x, y});

point(O3, op(map(rhs, S3)));


Now we find the equation of the circumference which passes through O1, O2, and O3.

eq := a*x+b*y+x^2+y^2+c = 0:
sol := solve({eval(eq, S1), eval(eq, S2), eval(eq, S3)}, {a, b, c});

A long output can be seen in the attached .mw file.

eq1 := eval(eq, sol);

  Now we find (in suspense)  the coordinates of the next center and verify whether it belongs to the sircumference O1O2O3.

coordinates(midpoint(mac, C, MA)); coordinates(midpoint(ec, E, C)); S4 := solve({(xC-1)*(x-(3*xC+1)*(1/4))+yC*(y-3*yC*(1/4)) = 0, ((2*xC-1)*(1/3))*(x-(4*xC+1)*(1/6))+(2*yC*(1/3))*(y-4*yC*(1/6)) = 0}, {x, y});

 point(O4, op(map(rhs, S4)));

simplify(eval(eq1, S4));

                             0 = 0

Hope the reader will have a real pleasure to find the two residuary centers and to verify these on his/her own.






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