I'll start with a quick positive.  One of the great advantages of upgraded software is the wealth of new features that we all get to play around with.  .. and then I will counter that with a great disadvantage, and that is, we all just about get familiar and comfortable with all the new features then BAM! a new version is released.  Of course we're then mesmorized once again by all the new bells and whistles and maybe even a couple of great celebrations occur with nice small updates throughout the year.  The other downside is that even though a large number of bugs may have been fixed a number of new ones are broght in with those new features. 

A side effect of a fast release is there are fewer and fewer applications associated with a release, and that is apparent in the application center.  Although mobius apps and the maple cloud may have also had some impact on that as well.

Now this is pale in comparison to book writers who scramble to keep their books current with new software.  I will quote a section from the introduction in the book Essential Maple 7 which highlights the problems the author had way back then .. I can't imagine how they feel now but here's the passage ...

"Indeed, one reason that there was so much time between the first and second
editions of this book is precisely that Maple has been evolving so rapidly in the
last few years, too rapidly for me to revise this book (much less complete my
others) while coping with my other duties."

That just hits the nail on the head, if you think Maple was evolving fast back then, the furious rate that upgrades are released now I would think authors have an almost impossible task to keep up. 

There are many that would agree with the author, that Maple is advancing so rapidly that we barely have time to gather our thoughts.  Maybe a solution is that we should slow down and create a much more polished piece of software, but again the caveat to that is our competition might just jump out in front.  However the norm today is that each new year represents a new release of software and we all celebrate when that happens.  If life seemed rushed back when Maple 7 was released I can't imagine what it'll be like 10 years from now when Maple 28 rolls around. 

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