The year 2015 has been one with interesting and relevant developments in the MathematicalFunctions  and FunctionAdvisor projects.


Gaps were filled regarding mathematical formulas, with more identities for all of BesselI, BesselK, BesselY, ChebyshevT, ChebyshevU, Chi, Ci, FresnelC, FresnelS, GAMMA(z), HankelH1, HankelH2, InverseJacobiAM, the twelve InverseJacobiPQ for P, Q in [C,D,N,S], KelvinBei, KelvinBer, KelvinKei, KelvinKer, LerchPhi, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, ln;


Developments happened in the Mathematical function package, to both compute with symbolic sequences and symbolic nth order derivatives of algebraic expressions and functions;


The input FunctionAdvisor(differentiate_rule, mathematical_function) now returns both the first derivative (old behavior) and the nth symbolic derivative (new behavior) of a mathematical function;


A new topic, plot, used as FunctionAdvisor(plot, mathematical_function), now returns 2D and 3D plots for each mathematical function, following the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions;


The previously existing FunctionAdvisor(display, mathematical_function) got redesigned, so that it now displays more information about any mathematical function, and organized into a Section with subsections for each of the different topics, making it simpler to find the information one needs without getting distracted by a myriad of formulas that are not related to what one is looking for.

More mathematics


More mathematical knowledge is in place, more identities, differentiation rules of special functions with respect to their parameters, differentiation of functions whose arguments involve symbolic sequences with an indeterminate number of operands, and sum representations for special functions under different conditions on the functions' parameters.



More powerful symbolic differentiation (nth order derivative)


Significative developments happened in the computation of the nth order derivative of mathematical functions and algebraic expressions involving them.



Mathematical handling of symbolic sequences


Symbolic sequences enter various formulations in mathematics. Their computerized mathematical handling, however, was never implemented - only a representation for them existed in the Maple system. In connection with this, a new subpackage, Sequences , within the MathematicalFunctions package, has been developed.



Visualization of mathematical functions


When working with mathematical functions, it is frequently desired to have a rapid glimpse of the shape of the function for some sampled values of their parameters. Following the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, a new option, plot, has now been implemented.



Section and subsections displaying properties of mathematical functions


Until recently, the display of a whole set of mathematical information regarding a function was somehow cumbersome, appearing all together on the screen. That display was and is still available via entering, for instance for the sin function, FunctionAdvisor(sin) . That returns a table of information that can be used programmatically.

With time however, the FunctionAdvisor evolved into a consultation tool, where a better organization of the information being displayed is required, making it simpler to find the information we need without being distracted by a screen full of complicated formulas.

To address this requirement, the FunctionAdvisor now returns the information organized into a Section with subsections, built using the DocumentTools package. This enhances the presentation significantly.



These developments can be installed in Maple 2015 as usual, by downloading the updates (bundled with the Physics and Differential Equations updates) from the Maplesoft R&D webpage for Mathematical Functions and Differential Equations


Edgardo S. Cheb-Terrab
Physics, Differential Equations and Mathematical Functions, Maplesoft

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