The geometry of the triangle
  Romanova Elena,  8 class,  school 57, Kazan, Russia

       Construction of triangle and calculation its angles

       Construction of  bisectors
       Construction of medians
       Construction of altitudes

> restart:with(geometry):      

The setting of the height of the triandle and let's call it "Т"
> triangle(T,[point(A,4,6),point(B,-3,-5),point(C,-4,8)]);


        Construction of the triangle
> draw(T,axes=normal,view=[-8..8,-8..8]);

Construction of the triangle АВС

> draw({T(color=gold,thickness=3)},printtext=true,axes=NONE);     
Calculation of the distance between heights А and В - the length of a side АВ

> d1:=distance(A,B);

                           d1 := sqrt(170)

        Calculation of the distance between heights В and С - the length of a side ВС
> d2:=distance(B,C);

                           d2 := sqrt(170)

       The setting of line which passes through two points А and В
> line(l1,[A,B]);


       Display the equation of line l1
> Equation(l1);
> x;
> y;

                         -2 + 11 x - 7 y = 0

        The setting of line which passes through two points А and С
> line(l2,[A,C]);


       Display the equation of line l2
> Equation(l2);
> x;
> y;

                          56 - 2 x - 8 y = 0

         The setting of line which passes through two points В and С
> line(l3,[B,C]);


        Display the equation of line l3
> Equation(l3);
> x;
> y;

                          -44 - 13 x - y = 0

        Check the point А lies on line l1
> IsOnLine(A,l1);


        Check the point А lies on line l1
> IsOnLine(B,l1);


        Calculation of the andle between lines l1 and l2
> FindAngle(l1,l2);


        The conversion of result to degrees
> b1:=convert(arctan(97/14),degrees);

                               arctan(--) degrees
                     b1 := 180 ------------------

        Calculation of decimal value of this angle
> b2:=evalf(b1);

                      b2 := 81.78721981 degrees

        Calculation of the andle between lines l1 and l3
> FindAngle(l1,l3);


       The conversion of result to degrees
> b3:=convert(arctan(97/99),degrees);

                               arctan(--) degrees
                     b3 := 180 ------------------

        Calculation of decimal value of this angle
> b4:=evalf(b3);

                      b4 := 44.41536947 degrees

       Calculation of the angle between lines l2 and l3
> FindAngle(l2,l3);


       The conversion of  result to degrees
> b5:=convert(arctan(97/71),degrees);

                               arctan(--) degrees
                     b5 := 180 ------------------

        Calculation of decimal value of  this angle
> b6:=evalf(b5);

                      b6 := 53.79741070 degrees

        Check the sum of all the angles of the triangle
> b2+b4+b6;

                         180.0000000 degrees

        Analytical information about the point А
> detail(A);
   name of the object: A
   form of the object: point2d
   coordinates of the point: [4, 6]
          Analytical information about the point В
> detail(B);
   name of the object: B
   form of the object: point2d
   coordinates of the point: [-3, -5]
          Analytical information about the point С
> detail(C);
   name of the object: C
   form of the object: point2d
   coordinates of the point: [-4, 8]

   The setting of heights of the triangle points A,B,C and let's call it "Т"

> triangle(ABC, [point(A,7,8), point(B,6,-7), point(C,-6,7)]):
        The setting of the bisector of angle А in triandle АВС
> bisector(bA, A, ABC);


        Analytical information about the bisector of angle А in the triandle
> detail(bA);
   name of the object: bA
   form of the object: line2d
   assume that the name of the horizonal and vertical                    axis are _x and _y
   equation of the line: (15*170^(1/2)+226^(1/2))*_x+(-13*226^(1/2)-170^(1/2))*_y+97*226^(1/2)-97*170^(1/2) = 0

        Construction of the triangle
> draw(ABC,axes=normal,view=[-8..8,-8..8]);

 Construction of the triangle ABC

> draw({ABC(color=gold,thickness=3)},printtext=true,axes=NONE);     

 Construction of the bisector of angle А

> draw({ABC(color=gold,thickness=3),bA(color=green,thickness=3)},printtext=true,axes=NONE);    

The setting of the bisector of angle В in the triangle АВС

> bisector(bB, B, ABC);


       Analytical information about the bisector of angle B in the triandle
> detail(bB);
   name of the object: bB
   form of the object: line2d
   assume that the name of the horizonal and vertical                    axis are _x and _y
   equation of the line: (-15*340^(1/2)-14*226^(1/2))*_x+(-12*226^(1/2)+340^(1/2))*_y+97*340^(1/2) = 0

         Construction of the bisector of angle В

    The setting of the bisector of angle С in the triangle АВС

> bisector(bC, C, ABC);


        Analytical information about the bisector of angle С in the triangle
> detail(bC);
   name of the object: bC
   form of the object: line2d
   assume that the name of the horizonal and vertical                    axis are _x and _y
   equation of the line: (14*170^(1/2)-340^(1/2))*_x+(13*340^(1/2)+12*170^(1/2))*_y-97*340^(1/2) = 0

        Construction of the bisector of angle С

 Calculation of the point of intersection of the bisectors and let's call it "О"

> intersection(O,bA,bB,bC);coordinates(O);


     7 sqrt(85) - 3 sqrt(2) sqrt(113) + 3 sqrt(85) sqrt(2)
  [2 -----------------------------------------------------,
       sqrt(85) sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) sqrt(113) + 2 sqrt(85)

          -16 sqrt(85) - 7 sqrt(2) sqrt(113) + 7 sqrt(85) sqrt(2)
        - -------------------------------------------------------]
             sqrt(85) sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) sqrt(113) + 2 sqrt(85)

       Construction of the bisectors and  marking of the point of intersection  "О" in the triandle
> restart:
> with(geometry):
       The setting of the heights of the triangle points A,B,C and let's call it "Т"
> point(A,7,8),point(B,6,-7),point(C,-6,7);

                               A, B, C

        Let's call "Т1"
> triangle(T1,[A,B,C]);


        Construction of "Т1"
> draw(T1(color=gold,thickness=3),axes=NONE,printtext=true);
  The setting of the median from the point В in the trianglemedian(mB,B,T1,B1);
> median(mb,B,T1);



        Construction of the median from the point В
> draw({T1(color=gold,thickness=3),mB(color=green,thickness=3),mb},printtext=true,axes=NONE);

The setting of the median from the point А in the trianglemedian(mA,A,T1,A1);
> median(ma,A,T1);



        Construction of the median from the point А
The setting of the median from the point С in the trianglemedian(mC,C,T1,C1);
> median(mc,C,T1);



        Costruction of the median from the point С

Calculation of the point of  intersection of the median and let's call it "О"



                              [7/3, 8/3]

        Construction of medians and marking of the point of  intersection "О" in the triangle
> restart:with(geometry):
> _EnvHorizontalName:=x:_EnvVerticalName=y:       The setting of the heights of the triangle points A, B, C  and let's call it "Т"
> triangle(T,[point(A,7,8),point(B,6,-7),point(C,-6,7)]);


       Construction of the triangle
> draw(T,axes=normal,view=[-8..8,-8..8]);

The setting of the altitude in the triangle from the point Сaltitude(hC1,C,T,C1);
> altitude(hC,C,T);



        Analytical information about the altitude hC from the point С in the triangle
> detail(hC);
   name of the object: hC
   form of the object: line2d
   assume that the name of the horizonal and vertical                    axis are _x and _y
   equation of the line: -99+_x+15*_y = 0

        Construction of the altitude from the point С
> draw({T(color=gold,thickness=3),hC1(color=green,thickness=3),hC},printtext=true,axes=NONE);     

  The setting of the altitude in the triangle from the point Аaltitude(hA1,A,T,A1);
> altitude(hA,A,T);



        Analytical information about the altitude hA from the point А in the triangle
> detail(hA);
   name of the object: hA
   form of the object: line2d
   assume that the name of the horizonal and vertical                    axis are _x and _y
   equation of the line: -28-12*_x+14*_y = 0

        Construction of the altitude from the point А
>draw({T(color=gold,thickness=3),hC1(color=green,thickness=3),hA1(color=red,thickness=3),hA1},printtext=true,axes=NONE);       The setting of the altitude from the point В

> altitude(hB1,B,T,B1);
> altitude(hB,B,T);



        Analytical information about the altitude hB from the point В in the triangle
> detail(hB);
   name of the object: hB
   form of the object: line2d
   assume that the name of the horizonal and vertical                    axis are _x and _y
   equation of the line: -71+13*_x+_y = 0

        Consruction of the altitude from the point В
 Calculation of the point of intersection of altitudes and let's call it "О"



                               483  608
                              [---, ---]
                               97   97

        Construction of altitudes and marking of the point of intersection "О" in the triangle














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