Let us consider the help to RectangleWindow SignalProcessing-RectangleWindow.pdf SignalProcessing-RectangleWindow.mw.
Let us execute the example, taking N:=4 (in order to display the outputs).

N := 4;
a := GenerateUniform(N, -1, 1);
         Matrix(1, 4, [[.396167882718146, -.826878267806025, -0.908376742154361e-2, .324899681378156]])         
         Vector[row](4, [.396167882718146, -.826878267806025, -0.908376742154361e-2, .324899681378156])      
c := Array(1 .. N, 'datatype' = 'float'[8], 'order' = 'C_order'):
RectangleWindow(Array(1 .. N, 'fill' = 1, 'datatype' = 'float'[8], 'order' = 'C_order'), 'container' = c);
              Vector[row](4, [1., 1., 1., 1.])
u := `~`[log](FFT(c)):
plots:-display(Array([plots:-listplot(Re(u)), plots:-listplot(Im(u))]));

We see an uncommented code which (intentionally or unintentionally) produces two empty plots.
The questions arise:

  • What is the aim of the RectangleWindow command which does nothing 
    but the conversion of a Matrix(1,N,...) /Array(1..N,...) to a Vector[row](N,...)? 
  • Could such help be called friendly to Maple users?

There are many questions to Maplesoft and there are no answers from them: strategic silence.


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