Am pondering how to best provide user-configurable options for a few packages I've written. The easiest method is to use global variables, preassign their default values during the package definition (but don't protect them) and save them with the mla used for the package. A user could then assign new values, say in their Maple initialization file or in a worksheet.  For example

  FooDefaultBar := true:
  FooDefaultBaz := false:

That works for a few variables, but is unwieldy if there are many, as the names generally have to be long and verbose to avoid accidental collision. Better may be to use a single record

  FooDefaults := Record('Bar' = true, 'Baz' = false):

To change one or more values, the user could do

   use FooDefaults in
      Bar := false;
   end use:

A drawback of using a global variable or record is that the user can assign any type to the variable, so the using program will have to check it. While one could use a record with typed fields, for example,

  FooDefaults := Record('Bar' :: truefalse = true, 'Baz' :: truefalse := false):

that only has an effect on assignments if kernelopts(assertlevel) is 2, which isn't the default.

A different approach is to use a Maple object to handle configuration variables. The object should be defined separate from the package it is configuring, so that the target package doesn't have to be loaded to customize its configuration. I've created a small object for this, but am not satisfied with its usage. Here is how it is currently used

# Create configuration object for package foo
Configure('fooDefaults', 'Bar' :: truefalse = true, 'Baz' :: truefalse = false):

The Assign method is used to reassign one or more fields

Assign(fooDefaults, 'Bar' = false, 'Baz' = true):

If a value does not match the declared type, an error is raised. Values from the object are available via the index operator:


Am not wild about this approach, the assignment seems clunky and would require a user to consult a help page to learn about the existence of the Assign method, though that would probably be necessary, regardless, to learn about the defaults themselves. Any thoughts on improvements? Attached is the current code.

Configure := module()

option object;

local Default # record of values
    , Type    # record of types
    , nomen   # string corresponding to name of assigned object
    , all :: static := {}

    ModuleApply :: static := proc()
        Object(Configure, _passed);
    end proc;

    ModuleCopy :: static := proc(self :: Configure
                                 , proto :: Configure
                                 , nm :: name
                                 , defaults :: seq(name :: type = anything)
                                 , $
    local eq;
        self:-Default := Record(defaults);
        self:-Type    := Record(seq(op([1,1], eq) = op([1,2], eq), eq = [defaults]));
        self:-nomen   := convert(nm,'`local`');
        nm := self;
        self:-all := {op(self:-all), self:-nomen};
    end proc;

    ModulePrint :: static := proc(self :: Configure)
    local default;
        if self:-Default :: 'record' then
            self:-nomen(seq(default = self:-Default[default]
                            , default = exports(self:-Default)
        end if;
    end proc;

    Assign :: static := proc(self :: Configure
                             , eqs :: seq(name = anything)
                             , $
    local eq, nm, val;
        # Check eqs
        for eq in [eqs] do
            (nm, val) := op(eq);
            if not assigned(self:-Default[nm]) then
                error "%1 is not a default of %2", nm, self:-nomen;
            elif not val :: self:-Type[nm] then
                error ("%1 must be of type %2, received %3"
                       , nm, self:-Type[nm], val);
            end if;
        end do;
        # Assign defaults
        for eq in [eqs] do
            (nm, val) := op(eq);
            self:-Default[nm] := val;
        end do;
    end proc;

    `?[]` :: static := proc(self :: Configure
                            , indx :: list
                            , val :: list
    local opt;
        opt := op(indx);
        if not assigned(self:-Default[opt]) then
            error "'%0' is not an assigned field of this Configure object", indx[];
        elif nargs = 2 then
        elif not val :: [self:-Type[opt]] then
            error "value for %1 must be of type %2", opt, self:-Type[opt];
            self:-Default[opt] := op(val);
        end if;
    end proc;

    ListAll :: static := proc(self :: Configure)
    end proc;

end module:

Later: Observing that this is just a glorified record with an assurance that the values match their declared types, but with less nice methods to set and get the values, I concluded that what I really want is a record that enforces types regardless the setting of kernelopts(assertlevel). Maybe created with

   FooDefaults := Record[strict]('Bar' :: truefalse = true, 'Baz :: truefalse = false):

In the meantime, I'll probably just use a record and not worry about whether a user has assigned an invalid value.

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