I like tweaking plots to get the look and feel I want, and luckily Maple has many plotting options that I often play with. Here, I visualize the same data several times, but each time with different styling.

First, some data.

data_1 := [[0,0],[1,2],[2,1.3],[3,6]]:
data_2 := [[0.5,3],[1,1],[2,5],[3,2]]:
data_3 := [[-0.5,3],[1.3,1],[2.5,5],[4.5,2]]:

This is the default look.

plot([data_1, data_2, data_3])

I think the darker background on this plot makes it easier to look at.

gray_grid :=
 background      = "LightGrey"
,color           = [ ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[150/255, 40 /255, 27 /255])
                    ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[0  /255, 0  /255, 0  /255])
                    ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[68 /255, 108/255, 179/255]) ]
,axes            = frame
,axis[2]         = [color = black, gridlines = [10, thickness = 1, color = ColorTools:-Color("RGB", [1, 1, 1])]]
,axis[1]         = [color = black, gridlines = [10, thickness = 1, color = ColorTools:-Color("RGB", [1, 1, 1])]]
,axesfont        = [Arial]
,labelfont       = [Arial]
,size            = [400*1.78, 400]
,labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]
,filled          = false
,transparency    = 0
,thickness       = 5
,style           = line:

plot([data_1, data_2, data_3], gray_grid);

I call the next style Excel, for obvious reasons.

excel :=
 background      = white
,color           = [ ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[79/255,  129/255, 189/255])
                    ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[192/255, 80/255,   77/255])
                    ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[155/255, 187/255,  89/255])]
,axes            = frame
,axis[2]         = [gridlines = [10, thickness = 0, color = ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[134/255,134/255,134/255])]]
,font            = [Calibri]
,labelfont       = [Calibri]
,size            = [400*1.78, 400]
,labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]
,transparency    = 0
,thickness       = 3
,style           = point
,symbol          = [soliddiamond, solidbox, solidcircle]
,symbolsize      = 15:

plot([data_1, data_2, data_3], excel)

This style makes the plot look a bit like the oscilloscope I have in my garage.

dark_gridlines :=
 background      = ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[0,0,0])
,color           = white
,axes            = frame
,linestyle       = [solid, dash, dashdot]
,axis            = [gridlines = [10, linestyle = dot, color = ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])]]
,font            = [Arial]
,size            = [400*1.78, 400]:

plot([data_1, data_2, data_3], dark_gridlines);

The colors in the next style remind me of an Autumn morning.

autumnal :=
 background      =  ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[236/255, 240/255, 241/255])
,color           = [  ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[144/255, 54/255, 24/255])
                     ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[105/255, 108/255, 51/255])
                     ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[131/255, 112/255, 82/255]) ]
,axes            = frame
,font            = [Arial]
,size            = [400*1.78, 400]
,filled          = true
,axis[2]         = [gridlines = [10, thickness = 1, color = white]]
,axis[1]         = [gridlines = [10, thickness = 1, color = white]]
,symbol          = solidcircle
,style           = point
,transparency    = [0.6, 0.4, 0.2]:

plot([data_1, data_2, data_3], autumnal);

In honor of a friend and ex-colleague, I call this style "The Swedish".

swedish :=
 background      = ColorTools:-Color("RGB", [0/255, 107/255, 168/255])
,color           = [ ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[169/255, 158/255, 112/255])
                    ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[126/255,  24/255,   9/255])
                    ,ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[254/255, 205/255,   0/255])]
,axes            = frame
,axis            = [gridlines = [10, color = ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[134/255,134/255,134/255])]]
,font            = [Arial]
,size            = [400*1.78, 400]
,labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]
,filled          = false
,thickness       = 10:

plot([data_1, data_2, data_3], swedish);

This looks like a plot from a journal article.

experimental_data_mono :=

background       = white
,color           = black
,axes            = box
,axis            = [gridlines = [linestyle = dot, color = ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])]]
,font            = [Arial, 11]
,legendstyle     = [font = [Arial, 11]]
,size            = [400, 400]
,labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]
,style           = point
,symbol          = [solidcircle, solidbox, soliddiamond]
,symbolsize      = [15,15,20]:

plot([data_1, data_2, data_3], experimental_data_mono, legend = ["Annihilation", "Authority", "Acceptance"]);

If you're willing to tinker a little bit, you can add some real character and personality to your visualizations. Try it!

I'd also be very interested to learn what you find attractive in a plot - please do let me know.

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