Here's a procedure using GraphTheory by morphing one four letter word into another by changing only one letter at a time.  This is my initial working version.  I've commented out the DrawGraph portion as it takes a long time (5 minutes or so) to produce.  Using the Neighbors command from the GraphTheory package the graph can be shrunk to only include the relevant paths and will take a shorter time to draw.  It's an initial version so there is room for improvements.

a := readdata("c:/sowpods.txt", string)NULL


b := [seq(`if`(length(a[i]) = 4, a[i], NULL), i = 1 .. nops(a))]


The word morph procedure for 4 letter words.


morph := proc (w1::string, w2::string) local c, i, q, d, r, j, k, g, gg, sp; c := {seq(`if`(HammingDistance(w1, b[i]) = 1, b[i], NULL), i = 1 .. nops(b))}; q := {seq(`if`(HammingDistance(w2, b[i]) = 1, b[i], NULL), i = 1 .. nops(b))}; for i to nops(c) do c || i := {seq(`if`(HammingDistance(c[i], b[j]) = 1, b[j], NULL), j = 1 .. nops(b))} end do; for i to nops(q) do q || i := {seq(`if`(HammingDistance(q[i], b[j]) = 1, b[j], NULL), j = 1 .. nops(b))} end do; d := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; {x, w1} end proc, c); r := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; {x, w2} end proc, q); for i to nops(c) do d || i := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; {c[i], x} end proc, c || i) end do; for i to nops(q) do r || i := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; {q[i], x} end proc, q || i) end do; for k to nops(c) do for j to nops(c || k) do c || k || _ || j := {seq(`if`(HammingDistance(c || k[j], b[i]) = 1, b[i], NULL), i = 1 .. nops(b))} end do end do; for k to nops(q) do for j to nops(q || k) do q || k || _ || j := {seq(`if`(HammingDistance(q || k[j], b[i]) = 1, b[i], NULL), i = 1 .. nops(b))} end do end do; for i to nops(c) do for j to nops(c || i) do d || i || _ || j := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; {c || i[j], x} end proc, c || i || _ || j) end do end do; for i to nops(q) do for j to nops(q || i) do r || i || _ || j := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; {q || i[j], x} end proc, q || i || _ || j) end do end do; g := {d[], r[], seq(d || i[], i = 1 .. nops(c)), seq(r || k[], k = 1 .. nops(q)), seq(seq(d || j || _ || i[], i = 1 .. nops(c || j)), j = 1 .. nops(c)), seq(seq(r || j || _ || i[], i = 1 .. nops(q || j)), j = 1 .. nops(q))}; gg := GraphTheory:-Graph(g); sp := GraphTheory:-ShortestPath(gg, w1, w2); print(sp) end proc
Today, June 6 is international yoyo day.  So I start off with, of course, the word yoyo.


morph("yoyo", "four")

["yoyo", "boyo", "boys", "foys", "fous", "four"]


morph("door", "yoyo")

["door", "boor", "boos", "boys", "boyo", "yoyo"]


morph("four", "yoyo")

["four", "fous", "foys", "boys", "boyo", "yoyo"]


morph("zane", "quit")

["zane", "cane", "cant", "cunt", "cuit", "quit"]


morph("lair", "jump")

["lair", "gair", "gaur", "gaup", "gamp", "gump", "jump"]


morph("jump", "lair")

["jump", "gump", "gamp", "gaup", "gaur", "gair", "lair"]


morph("quit", "jump")

["quit", "luit", "lunt", "luna", "luma", "lump", "jump"]


morph("xray", "jump")

Error, (in GraphTheory:-ShortestPath) no path from xray to jump exists



With no path another level of iteration word groups will be needed.  Otherwise you can use an intermediate word as below


morph("xray", "door")

["xray", "dray", "drab", "doab", "doob", "door"]


morph("door", "jump")

["door", "poor", "poop", "pomp", "pump", "jump"]


morph("lair", "door")

["lair", "loir", "loor", "door"]







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