Transfer functions are normally not used with units. Involving units when deriving transfer functions can help identify unit inconsistencies and reduce the likelihood of unit conversion errors.

Maple is already a great help in not having to do this manually. However, the final step of simplification still requires manual intervention, as shown in this example.

Given transfer function

H(s) = 60.*Unit('m'*'kg'/('s'^2*'A'))/(.70805*s^2*Unit('kg'^2*'m'^2/('s'^3*'A'^2))+144.*s*Unit('kg'^2*'m'^2/('s'^4*'A'^2))+0.3675e-4*s^3*Unit('kg'^2*'m'^2/('s'^2*'A'^2)))

H(s) = 60.*Units:-Unit(m*kg/(s^2*A))/(.70805*s^2*Units:-Unit(kg^2*m^2/(s^3*A^2))+144.*s*Units:-Unit(kg^2*m^2/(s^4*A^2))+0.3675e-4*s^3*Units:-Unit(kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2)))


Desired output (derived by hand) where the transfer function is separated in a dimensionless expression and a gain that can be attributed to units with a physical meaning in the context of an application (here displacement per voltage).

H(s) = 60.*Unit('m'/'V')/(.70805*s^2*Unit('s'^2)+144.*s*Unit('s')+0.3675e-4*s^3*Unit('s'^3))

H(s) = 60.*Units:-Unit(m/V)/(.70805*s^2*Units:-Unit(s^2)+144.*s*Units:-Unit(s)+0.3675e-4*s^3*Units:-Unit(s^3))


is(simplify((H(s) = 60.*Units[Unit](m*kg/(s^2*A))/(.70805*s^2*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^3*A^2))+144.*s*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^4*A^2))+0.3675e-4*s^3*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2))))-(H(s) = 60.*Units[Unit](m/V)/(.70805*s^2*Units[Unit](s^2)+144.*s*Units[Unit](s)+0.3675e-4*s^3*Units[Unit](s^3)))))



Units to factor out in the denominator are Unit('kg'^2*'m'^2/('s'^5*'A'^2)). Quick check:

Unit('m'*'kg'/('s'^2*'A'))/Unit('kg'^2*'m'^2/('s'^5*'A'^2)) = Unit('m'/'V')

Units:-Unit(m*kg/(s^2*A))/Units:-Unit(kg^2*m^2/(s^5*A^2)) = Units:-Unit(m/V)


simplify(Units[Unit](m*kg/(s^2*A))/Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^5*A^2)) = Units[Unit](m/V))

Units:-Unit(s^3*A/(m*kg)) = Units:-Unit(s^3*A/(m*kg))


"Simplification" attempts with the denominator

denom(rhs(H(s) = 60.*Units[Unit](m*kg/(s^2*A))/(.70805*s^2*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^3*A^2))+144.*s*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^4*A^2))+0.3675e-4*s^3*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2)))))



collect(s*(.70805*s*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^3*A^2))+144.*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^4*A^2))+0.3675e-4*s^2*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2))), Unit('kg'^2*'m'^2/('s'^5*'A'^2)))



is not effective because all units are wrapped in Unit commands. Example:




Expand does not expand the argument of Unit commands.

expand(Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2))); lprint(%)






C1: Expanding Unit command

An expand facility could be a solution that expands a Unit command with combined units to a product of separate Unit commands.

When all units are expanded in a separate Unit command, collect or factor can be used to collect units:




collect(.70805*s*Units[Unit](kg)^2*Units[Unit](m)^2/(Units[Unit](A)^2*Units[Unit](s)^3)+144.*Units[Unit](kg)^2*Units[Unit](m)^2/(Units[Unit](A)^2*Units[Unit](s)^4)+0.3675e-4*s^2*Units[Unit](kg)^2*Units[Unit](m)^2/(Units[Unit](A)^2*Units[Unit](s)^2), [Unit('A'), Unit('kg'), Unit('m'), Unit('s')])






C2: Using the Natural Units Environment

In this environment, no Unit commands are required and the collection of units should work with Maple commands.
However, for the expressions discussed here, this would lead to a naming conflict with the complex variable s of the transfer function and the unit symbol s for seconds.


C3: A type declaration or unit assumptions on names

A type declaration as an option of commands like in

Units[TestDimensions](s*(.70805*s*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^3*A^2))+144.*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^4*A^2))+0.3675e-4*s^2*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2))), {s::(Unit(1/s))})



could help Maple in simplification tasks (in its general meaning of making expressions shorter or smaller).
Alternatively, assumptions could provide information of which "unit type" a name is

`assuming`([simplify(H(s) = 60.*Units[Unit](m*kg/(s^2*A))/(.70805*s^2*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^3*A^2))+144.*s*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^4*A^2))+0.3675e-4*s^3*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2))))], [s::(Unit(1/s))]); `assuming`([combine(H(s) = 60.*Units[Unit](m*kg/(s^2*A))/(.70805*s^2*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^3*A^2))+144.*s*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^4*A^2))+0.3675e-4*s^3*Units[Unit](kg^2*m^2/(s^2*A^2))), 'units')], [s::(Unit(1/s))])

Error, (in assuming) when calling 'property/ConvertProperty'. Received: 'Units:-Unit(1/s) is an invalid property'


On various occasions (beyond transfer functions) I have looked for such a functionality.


C4: DynamicSystems Package with units

C4.1: The complex variable s could be attributed to the unit 1/s (i.e. Hertz) either by default or as an option. This could enable using units within the dynamic system package which is not possible in Maple 2022. An example what the package provides currently can be found here: help(applications, amplifiergain)
The phase plot shows that the package is already implicitly assuming that the unit of s is Hertz. A logical extension would be to have magnitude plots with units (e.g. m/V, as in this example).


C4.2: A dedicated "gain" command that takes units into account and that could potentially simplify the transfer function to an expression like (2) in SI units. In such a way the transfer function is separated into a dimensionless (but frequency depended) term and a gain term with units.
This would make the transfer of transfer functions to MapleSim easy and avoid unit conversion errors.



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