I've been working with fsolve and I'm having the following issue: fsolve({dif_Fliq=((nFsol-nFliq)/(psi_sol-psi_liq)),dif_Fliq=dif_Fsol},{psi_sol=0.1..0.9,psi_liq=0.1..0.9}); {psi_liq = 0.4447971078, psi_sol = 0.3459845910} how do I get the value of psi_liq and psi_sol and assign them to a different variable without having to copy the whole thing? i.e. if I use the following command assign(result_liq,psi_liq); I get result_liq=psi_liq = 0.4447971078 not what I want result_liq = 0.4447971078 I also tried: result_liq:=psi_liq and I ended up with the same result any thought on how to do this? thanks

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