To help me learn Maple 12, I decided to translate a small project that I did into Maple.

1. Why is there an error in my text field at the beginning of the doc?

2. When I apply a new style to a paragraph, all the text changes to plain text: all formatting is removed. Is there a way to simply change the style and not the formatting, such as Italic?

3. I tried to follow the instructions in one of the training videos on how to hide math. As you can see, the assignment to d is still visible. Can simple assignments be hidden?
the doc creation video shows how to hide stuff in a doc
  insert a new doc block
  select Format | Remove doc block OR r-c the doc block markers and remove the block
  type in some desc
  add Maple input prompts as needed and put commands there
  select the section, Format | Create Doc Block - lines of code are now hidden

4. How can I plot points and circles on the same plot?

5. Is there an easy way to do this (4.) in document mode?

6. I'd like to have a variable called Lx where x is the subscript that is part of the name, not an array index. How can I do this? I tried just making it a subscript, but executing the document changed it back.

7. Why won't the axis limits stay where I put them when I execute the doc? Am I really going to have this monstrous line describing my plot in detail?

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