I've been laying low for a while now, finding new ways to break and repair Maple. With Maple11, I've found at least two disturbing bugs. The first is in implicitplot(): Maple no longer allows for variable ranges that evaluate to numbers. In Maple10, the command plots[implicitplot](x^3=y-x, x=-5..5, y=0..x); plots correctly, whereas the same command in Maple11 results in the error message: "Error, (in plots/implicitplot) invalid input: invalid range for second variable" The second bug is yet another bug in Maple's eternally bug-ridden Worksheet package. I do not know if this bug exists in previous versions of Maple, but there is a problem reading in nested quotes. To see this bug, do the following: 1) Create a new worksheet. 2) On any line, type: "\"foo\""; This is the correct syntax for putting quotation marks in a string. 3) Save the file--classic or standard format does not make a difference. 4) Go to a new worksheet and open the file using Worksheet:-ReadFile(). If you look at the output of Worksheet:-ReadFile(), you will notice that the contents of the command prompt with the line "\"foo\""; is: "\134"foo\134""; If you were to, instead, open the worksheet with a text editor, you would notice that the contents of the command prompt in question is: "\134"foo\134""; It seems to me that the ReadFile command is not correctly handling what appears to be the MathML encoding of the stored information. NB: If you had saved the file as a classic worksheet and you opened it with a text editor, the content would be: \"\\\"foo\\\"\"; This is correct for the classic worksheet format and is handled correctly until Worksheet:-ReadFile() gets its hands on it. That's all for now. I'll probably be back soon with more annoying new bugs that we've found recently. --Schivnorr

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