Hello, I sent this letter to MAPLE tech support and they suggested that i post it here. After using MATHCAD for a number of years, I recently purchased MAPLE 10. I am really blown away by this software’s depth and versatility. I am particularly impressed by how well geared it is to do symbolic math, and by the fact that with MAPLE you can see the steps involved in a complicated symbolic integration. I do find however, that the price of MAPLE’s extra power is that it is less intuitive and has a steeper learning curve in comparison to MATHCAD. There is definitely one area in which I have found MATHCAD is superior to MAPLE. I realize that I may not be fair to MAPLE. There exists the possibility that one can do in MAPLE a certain thing I have been doing in MATHCAD and I just don’t know how to do it yet. It is that possibility which is behind this letter. I am referring to inserting graphics generated by other software into worksheets. I use the program TURBOCAD to develop diagrams. It is very easy to insert graphics developed in TURBOCAD into MATHCAD worksheets. One simply selects the area of the TC worksheet to be copied, presses Ctrl-C, then activates the MATHCAD worksheet, and then presses Ctrl-V, and the graphic is copied into the MATHCAD worksheet. Now here is the interesting thing – When I go to print the MATHCAD worksheet, the graphic is printed in an extremely hi-res mode, just as if I were printing it directly from TURBOCAD. It is not turned into pixels. When I try to do the same thing with MAPLE, it doesn’t work. I copy the graphic from TURBOCAD, and then when I paste it into a MAPLE document I get a very small image which is so low-res as to be useless. I am forced to have TURBOCAD save the image in JPEG form, and then I do an Insert/Image into the MAPLE worksheet. In order to get the image small enough to print on one page, I have to reduce it in size (before inserting it into the MAPLE worksheet) so much that the resolution is not really very good. I have uploaded a copy of a scan (image comparison.jpg) of a printed sheet which shows what I am talking about. Any information you could offer me as to how I might incorporate a graphic generated in TURBOCAD into a MAPLE worksheet and have the resulting printout look approx. as good as if it were a MATHCAD worksheet would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I wasn't able to upload the image file because it is greater then 800K bytes, but it clearly shows much higher resolution in the graph embedded in the MATHCAD worksheet than the one in the MAPLE worksheet.

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