Maximum Likelihood Estimation Examples

This work gives MAPLE replicates of ML-estimation examples from Charles H. Franklin lecture notes . Two examples, for Gaussian and Poisson distributions, are included. Gaussian model has two parameters  and Poisson model has one parameter  . Also included the symbolic example for binomial disribution, Gaussian distribution. Finally use of MAPLE's Statistics package for numerical experimentation is illustrated.




Define Data and Models


Define two sets sample points to experiment with

S1 := [1.364, 0.235,-0.846,-0.285,-1.646];
S2 := [5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 2, 3, 4, 1];



plots[listplot](S1,axes=boxed,symbol=solidcircle,title="sample vector #1",gridlines=true);
plots[listplot](S2,axes=boxed,symbol=solidcircle,title="sample vector #2",gridlines=true);



Define Poisson and Gaussian distributions (PDF)

PoissonDist := (x,l) -> exp(-l)*l^x/GAMMA(x+1);


GaussianDist := (x,sigma,mu) -> (1/sqrt(2*Pi*sigma^2))*exp(-((x-mu)/sigma)^2/2);




Compute Likelihood and Solve for Most Likely Parameters


Gaussian likelihood for both data sets


LG1 := product( GaussianDist(S1[i],s,m),i=1..nops(S1) );
LG2 := product( GaussianDist(S2[i],s,m),i=1..nops(S2) );



For standart deviation  the likelihood is plotted by ...

plot( subs(s=1,LG1), m=-1..3,axes=boxed, title="likelihood for Gaussian PDF sigma=1");


mean that maximizes the likelihood is found as

extrema( subs(s=1,LG1), {}, {m}, 'muML'); muML;



Likelihood variation for for both parameters is depicted below, peak of this graph gives the most likely parameters

plot3d( LG1, m=-4..4, s=0..3,axes=boxed,style=patchcontour,labels=[mu,sigma,likelihood],title="Gaussian PDF likelihood for 1st data set");
plot3d( LG2, m=-4..4, s=0..3,axes=boxed,style=patchcontour,labels=[mu,sigma,likelihood],title="Gaussian PDF likelihood for 2nd data set");



Most likely parameters are computed using command "extrema"

extrema(LG1, {}, {s,m}, 'GaussianParameters1ML'); GaussianParameters1ML;
extrema(LG2, {}, {s,m}, 'GaussianParameters2ML'); extrema(LG2, {}, {s,m}, 'GaussianParameters2ML'); GaussianParameters2ML;;






Select the solution with positive sigma

MLE1 := select( x -> verify(eval(s,x),0,'greater_than'), GaussianParameters1ML)[1];
MLE2 := select( x -> verify(eval(s,x),0,'greater_than'), GaussianParameters2ML)[1];



plot the likelihood functions and ML estimates of parameters



Likelihood1DensityPlot := plots[densityplot]( (LG1), m=-4..4, s=0..3,axes=boxed,labels=[mu,sigma],color=yellow,style=patchnogrid,title="Gaussian PDF likelihood for 1st data set",restricttoranges = true, transparency=0.37):
Likelihood2DensityPlot := plots[densityplot]( (LG2), m=-4..4, s=0..3,axes=boxed,labels=[mu,sigma],color=yellow,style=patchnogrid,title="Gaussian PDF likelihood for 2nd data set",restricttoranges = true,scaletorange=0..5e-9, transparency=0.37):

plots/densityplot: Adjust to range: 0. .. .310390800181162448e-3

plots/densityplot: Adjust to range: 0. .. .500000000000000010e-8


Likelihood1ContourPlot := plots[contourplot]( (LG1), m=-4..4, s=0..3,axes=boxed,labels=[mu,sigma],grid=[56,56]):
Likelihood2ContourPlot := plots[contourplot]( (LG2), m=-4..4, s=0..3,axes=boxed,labels=[mu,sigma],grid=[56,56]):

plots[display]({Likelihood1DensityPlot , Likelihood1ContourPlot , plots[pointplot]( eval([m,s], MLE1), color=red, symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=30, color=blue,transparency=0. ) }, title="Gaussian PDF likelihood for 1st data set and ML estimate (as big dot)");
plots[display]({Likelihood2DensityPlot , Likelihood2ContourPlot , plots[pointplot]( eval([m,s], MLE2), color=red, symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=30, color=blue,transparency=0. ) }, title="Gaussian PDF likelihood for 2nd data set and ML estimate (as big dot)" );





Poisson likelihood for 2nd data set


#LP1 := product( PoissonDist(S1[i],l),i=1..nops(S1));
LP2 := product( PoissonDist(S2[i],l),i=1..nops(S2));


extrema(LP2, {}, 'l', 'lML'); evalf(lML);
lML := select( x -> verify( eval(l,x), 0, 'greater_than'), lML)[1];
lML := eval(l,lML);





        plot( LP2, l=0..7, axes=boxed, labels=[lambda, likelihood],gridlines=true),
        plots[pointplot]( [[lML, subs( l=lML,LP2)]], symbol=solidcircle, symbolsize=20,color=blue )
        plot( log(LP2), l=0..7, axes=boxed, labels=[lambda, log-likelihood],gridlines=true),
        plots[pointplot]( [lML, subs(l=lML, log(LP2))], symbol=solidcircle, symbolsize=20,color=blue )




Symbolic Results


This section gives the symbolic results for Gaussian and Binomial distributions

ML for Gaussian Distribution


PDF as model and log of model

model := GaussianDist;
logmodel := (x,sigma,mu) -> log(1/sqrt(2*Pi*sigma^2))-((x-mu)/sigma)^2/2;



Likelihood and log-likelihood

L := product(model(x[i],sigma,mu),i=1..N);
LL := sum( expand(logmodel(x[i],sigma,mu)),i=1..N);



obtain extremum parameter equations

equ1 := diff(LL,mu);
equ2 := diff(LL,sigma);



solve for parameters that maximizes likelihood

pML := solve({equ1,equ2},{sigma,mu});


This result corresponds to common definiton of mean and standard deviation for Normal distribution

this derivation is also described in wikipedia under the heading "Estimation of parameters" in relation to ML method.


ML for Binomial Distribution


Likelihood for binomial distribution for N success and M fail experiment, with probability of success being p, is given by

LB := p^N*(1-p)^M;


MLequation := diff(LB,p);


pML := solve( MLequation, p);


which is obvious result for frequentiest approach

check that obtained solution is maximizes

ddLL := diff(log(LB), p$2);


verify(%,0,'less_than') assuming N>0,M>0;




which indicates that found is a maximizing point.

Using MAPLE's Statistics package for Numerical Experiments



Gaussian case


create Gaussian distribution with mean 3 and sigma 1

GD := Distribution( Normal(3,1) );


XG := RandomVariable( GD );


XGV := Sample( XG, 2250);


PointPlot(XGV,axes=boxed, title="Gaussian distributed samples");
Statistics[Histogram](XGV,axes=boxed, title="Histogram of Gaussian distributed samples");




LL := expand(log(Likelihood( Normal(mu, sigma), XGV))) assuming sigma>0, mu::real;


#extrema(LL, {}, {mu, sigma}, 'GML');

equs := convert(VectorCalculus[Gradient](LL, [mu, sigma]), 'list');


solve(equs, {mu, sigma});


Statistics[Mean]( XGV );


Result indicates that ML estimates of  distribution parameters (2.99, 1.001) are close to actual (3,1) and as theoretical results indicates  is equal to mean of sample data

Poisson case


create Gaussian distribution with mean 3 and sigma 1

PD := Distribution( Poisson(3) );


XP := RandomVariable( PD );


XPV := Sample( XP, 2250);


PointPlot(XPV,axes=boxed, title="Poisson distributed samples");
Statistics[Histogram](XPV,axes=boxed, title="Histogram of Gaussian distributed samples");



LL := expand(log(Likelihood( Poisson(lambda), XPV))) assuming sigma>0, mu::real;


equs := convert(VectorCalculus[Gradient](LL, [lambda]), 'list');


solve(equs, {lambda});




Result indicates that ML estimates of  distribution parameters (3.031) are close to actual (3) and as theoretical result indicates that  is equal to mean of sample data



I encountered following problems in this worksheet

about simplification


failed to simplify log of likelihood function in symbolic form . A number of assumptions are used

#LL := log(L) assuming N::integer,sigma::real,mu::real;
#LL := sum( expand(log(model(x[i],sigma,mu))),i=1..N);
#LL := expand(LL) assuming N::integer,sigma::real,mu::real;


about graphics


failed to overlay a solid graphics on top of density plot, so i use tranparency for density plot but solid graphics seems to be effected.




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