Maple 12 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 12

If input a group of outputs which are binary numbers

can it simplify to give a logic that can output these outputs

for example

func1 := proc(system1)

for i from 1 to 100 do

solve([system1[1], system1[2]],[x,y]);


end proc:


func1([diff(y,t) = data[i+t+1], diff(x,t) = data[i+t+1]])

i is depend on the for loop inside a function, but woud like to pass this system into a function with i

this will cause error

how to write better for passing a system as parameter using variable inside a function?

i use optimization package with constraint hello >= 0

Minimize(xx=0, {hello >= 0})

but solution only return the case when hello = 0

how about hello > 0?

i would like to find all possible set of solutions using this constraint

do i need to set upper bound, such as {hello <= 7, hello >=0}

can it return solution when hello = 1.1, 1.2, ...2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, ....7

How to create a hyperplane which perpendicular to groebner basis

tord := plex(x, y, z);
G := Basis([hello1, hello2, hello3], tord);
ns, rv := NormalSet(G, tord);
Error, (in Groebner:-NormalSet) The case of non-zero-dimensional varieties is not handled
is this error due to version of maple?
which version do not have this error?

Hi everyone!

I would really appreciate if someone could give me a hand on telling me what is wrong with this problem! pdsolve gives the error: Error, (in pdsolve/sys/info) found functions with same name but depending on different arguments in the given DE system: {f(0, y), f(x, 0), f(x, y), (D[2](f))(0, y), (D[2](f))(x, 0)}.

Thanks in advance!!! 



I resolved the coefficients to a 2nd order diff eq of the form:ay''+by'+cy=f(t)

I have included the .mw file for convenience at the link at the bottom of the page.  I resolved the coefficients in 2 different ways & they do not concur.  The 1st approach used the LaPlace transform & partial fraction decomposition.  The coefficient results are given by equations # 14 & 15.  The 2nd approach used undetermined coefficients where I assumed the particular solution and then applied the initial conditions to resolve the coefficients pertaining to the homogeneous solution which are given in the results listed in equation #23.  Noted in the 1st case the coeff's are A3 & A4 and for the 2nd approach the coeff's are A1 & A2.  I have worked this numerous times & do not understand why they do not concur.  So I thought I should get some fresh eyes on the problem to find where I may have gone wrong.

Any new perspective will be greatly apprecieated.

I had trouble uploading the .mw file so I have included an alternative link to retrieve the file if the code contents is illegible or you cannot dowlad the file drectly from the weblink  Download  You should be able to download from the alternative link below once you paste the link into your browser.  If you cannot & wish for me to provide the file in some other fashion respond with some specific instructions & I will attempt to get the file to you.

Thanks 4 any help you can provide.


Hello, I have a question.  I don't know why, but results of my calculations can't be saved in raschet document. This document excists, but there is no information in it! And I have an error with floating point format. How to solve that problems?

> restart;
> Digits := 5;
> ScS0 := P/(phi*f*kc*k0*deltad*Bm*etat);
> Sc := sqrt(ScS0);
> A := sqrt(Sc);
> B := A;
> mue := mu0*mur/(1+mur*dzet/lm);
> lm := 2*(LCA-A+(LC0+A))+dzet;
> LC0 := 3*A; LCA := .4*LC0; LD := .9*LC0;
> w1 := EE/(2*Pi*f*Bm*Sc);
> Lm := mue*w1^2*Sc/lm;
> ;
> I11 := sqrt((w2*Id/w1)^2+I0^2);
> ;
> ;
> h1 := sqrt(RAT*I11/deltad);
> ;
> h2 := sqrt(RAT*Id/deltad);
> A := .6;
> Ud := 35000;
> Id := 413;
> R := Ud^2/P;
> P := Ud*Id;
> P1 := P/eta;
> R1 := EE/I11;
> EE := 110000;
> I0 := EE/(2*Pi*f*Lm);
> w2 := w1*sqrt(P*R)/EE;
> mu0 := 4*Pi*10^(-7);
> mur := 1000;
> f := 50;
> k0 := .25;
> kc := .98;
> deltad := 0.3e7;
> Bm := 1.45;
> etat := .98;
> eta := .95;
> RAT := 1;
> dzet := 0.1e-3;
> phi := .5;
> W1 := evalf(w1);
> LLm := evalf(Lm);
> W2 := evalf(w2);
> evalf(lm);
> evalf(LC0);
> evalf(LCA);
> Imax := evalf(I0);
> P1;
1.5215 10
> Rd := evalf(R);
> Bmm := evalf(mue*w1*I0/lm);
> hâ := (.9*LC0*1000)/(w2+1)-4;

> evalf(hâ);

> Pred := Id/deltad;
> evalf(Pred);
> ll := hâ*(w2+1)+4*w2;
> a := am*nâ/nx;

> Pol := Vit*nâ;
> am := 5.1;
> am := 5.1;
> nâ := 4;
> evalf(a);
> Vit := 35.19;
> evalf(Pol);
> plotnToka := Id/Pol;
> evalf(Id/Pol);
> I1 := evalf(I11);
> evalf(mue);
> evalf(EE/I11);
> pr := "%";
> fd := fopen("C:\\Users\\Ñåìåí\\Desktop\\ÍÈÐ\\", WRITE); fprintf(fd, "E=%g;Ud=%g;Imax=%g;P=%g;FR=%g;A=%g;B=%g;LC0=%g;LD=%g;LCA=%g;R=%g;BM=%g;", EE, Ud, Imax, P, f, A, B, LC0, LD, LCA, Rd, Bm); fprintf(fd, "\n %s P=%g;Id = %g;Bm=%g;I1=%g;Bmm=%g", pr, P, Id, Bm, I1, Bmm);
Error, (in fprintf) number expected for floating point format
Error, (in fprintf) number expected for floating point format
> fprintf(fd, "\n %s W1 = %g; W2 = %g; Lm=%g; Sc=%g; dzet=%g", pr, W1, W2, LLm, Sc, dzet);
Error, (in fprintf) file descriptor not in use
> fclose(fd);
Error, (in fclose) file descriptor not in use



Anyone can solve this??



Many thanks!


I have a first order differential eq. for some variable say $r(x)$, where $x$ is the independent variable.

After solving this differential equation numerically, I want to use its solution in other expression for $r(x)$ and plot the expession with $x$.

Please let me know how to do it.

Thanks in advance.



I would have love to attach a document because I try pasting it but it is not allowed I want to integrate something of this nature;... I don't even get how to write anything here maybe because am using a phone.53e77f9f0cf21cc29fd9d4e8.pdf 

This is the paper i'm working on,

1) I couldn't get 11a and 11b on page 1918.

2) I don't know how to integrate 13b to 13e. Please somebody help my career I will never forget it.

My e-mail is

T := lexdeg([x,y,z],[e1,e2]);
intermsof1 := y;
intermsof2 := -z;
GB := Basis([e1-intermsof1, e2-intermsof2], 'tord',T);
result := NormalForm(y^2-x*z, GB,'tord', T);
result := NormalForm(y^2-x*z, GB, T);

originally Basis do not have error when without parameter 'tord'

after it has argument error, it has to be added extra parameter tord

NormalForm has the same error too.

i do not understand why it has error, how to solve?

i just want to express y^2-x*z in terms of y and -z



(a) Show that if {an} ∞ n=1 is Cauchy then {a 2 n} ∞ n=1 is also Cauchy. (b) Give an example of a Cauchy sequence {a 2 n} ∞ n=1 such that {an} ∞ n=1 is not Cauchy

"the set Q of rational numbers does not have the least-upper-bound property under the usual order. "


"Consider the part A = {x in `&Qopf;`; 1<x^(2)<2<}, this part is not empty as [4/(3)]  in A; It is bounded by 2 as if x^(2)<4 then x<2. THe set of greatest elements of A, belonging to `&Qopf;`, is not empty."


"If [p/(q)]  in A with q  in `&Nopf;`^(*), then p>q for p>0 and p^(2)-2*q^(2)<0; or p^(2)-2*q^(2) in `&Zopf;`, thus"

p^2-2*q^2 <= -1

p^2-2*q^2 <= -1


"for all r  in `&Nopf;`^(*), put y=(r*p+1)/(r.p), we have :"

y > p/q


"y^(2)-2=supA/(r^(2)*q^(2)), with supA= r^(2)*p^(2)+2 r*p+1-2 r^(2)q^(2),"

otherwise; -1; s = r(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p+1

s = r(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p+1


"a good choice for r, for instance r=2*p+1, we get from (1)"

(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2) <= (2*p+1)(-1)

2*p(p^2-2*q^2) <= 2*p(-1)



(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p <= -1

2*p(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p <= -2


(2*p+1)*[(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p] <= -2*p-1

(2*p+1)*[2*p(p^2-2*q^2)+1+2*p] <= -2*p-1


(2*p+1)*[(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p]+1 <= -2*p

(2*p+1)*[2*p(p^2-2*q^2)+1+2*p]+1 <= -2*p


"finally, supA<0"

`and`(thus*y^2 < 2, `in`(y, A*with*y^2) and A*with*y^2 > 1)

"so, for any x  in p/(q) in A, there exists y  in A such that y>x: in conclusion A does'nt admit a greatest element."

Now, given*m = p/q, `and`(not `in`(Typesetting:-delayDotProduct(a*greatest*element*of*A, Then)*m, A), we*get*thus):

`and`(p > q, p^2-2*q^2 >= 0)

as*the*equation*p^2-2*q^2 = (0*has)*no*solutions and `in`((0*has)*no*solutions, nonnegint*nonnegint), we*get:

2*p^2-2*q^2 >= 1:

"for any r  in `&Nopf;`^(*)let's put m'=(r*p)/((r*q+1)); we have:"

(diff(m(x), x))^2-2 = supA/(r*q+1)^2:

With*supA = r^2*p^2-2*(r*q+1)^2 and r^2*p^2-2*(r*q+1)^2 = r[r[p^2-2*q^2]-4*q]-2:

"for a good choice of r, for example r=4*q+1, we get (back to (2)):"

supA > (0*thus)*(diff(m(x), x))^2 and (0*thus)*(diff(m(x), x))^2 > 2:

"So, for any greatest element m of A, it exists m', greatest element of A such as:"

diff(m(x), x) < m(x):

"A does not admit a least upper bound."



"the set Q of rational numbers does not have the least-upper-bound property under the usual order. "


"Consider the part A = {x in `&Qopf;`; 1<x^(2)<2<}, this part is not empty as [4/(3)]  in A; It is bounded by 2 as if x^(2)<4 then x<2. THe set of greatest elements of A, belonging to `&Qopf;`, is not empty."


"If [p/(q)]  in A with q  in `&Nopf;`^(*), then p>q for p>0 and p^(2)-2*q^(2)<0; or p^(2)-2*q^(2) in `&Zopf;`, thus"

p^2-2*q^2 <= -1

p^2-2*q^2 <= -1


"for all r  in `&Nopf;`^(*), put y=(r*p+1)/(r.p), we have :"

y > p/q


"y^(2)-2=supA/(r^(2)*q^(2)), with supA= r^(2)*p^(2)+2 r*p+1-2 r^(2)q^(2),"

otherwise; -1; s = r(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p+1

s = r(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p+1


"a good choice for r, for instance r=2*p+1, we get from (1)"

(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2) <= (2*p+1)(-1)

2*p(p^2-2*q^2) <= 2*p(-1)



(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p <= -1

2*p(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p <= -2


(2*p+1)*[(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p] <= -2*p-1

(2*p+1)*[2*p(p^2-2*q^2)+1+2*p] <= -2*p-1


(2*p+1)*[(2*p+1)(p^2-2*q^2)+2*p]+1 <= -2*p

(2*p+1)*[2*p(p^2-2*q^2)+1+2*p]+1 <= -2*p


"finally, supA<0"

`and`(thus*y^2 < 2, `in`(y, A*with*y^2) and A*with*y^2 > 1)

"so, for any x  in p/(q) in A, there exists y  in A such that y>x: in conclusion A does'nt admit a greatest element."

Now, given*m = p/q, `and`(not `in`(Typesetting:-delayDotProduct(a*greatest*element*of*A, Then)*m, A), we*get*thus):

`and`(p > q, p^2-2*q^2 >= 0)

as*the*equation*p^2-2*q^2 = (0*has)*no*solutions and `in`((0*has)*no*solutions, nonnegint*nonnegint), we*get:

2*p^2-2*q^2 >= 1:

"for any r  in `&Nopf;`^(*)let's put m'=(r*p)/((r*q+1)); we have:"

(diff(m(x), x))^2-2 = supA/(r*q+1)^2:

With*supA = r^2*p^2-2*(r*q+1)^2 and r^2*p^2-2*(r*q+1)^2 = r[r[p^2-2*q^2]-4*q]-2:

"for a good choice of r, for example r=4*q+1, we get (back to (2)):"

supA > (0*thus)*(diff(m(x), x))^2 and (0*thus)*(diff(m(x), x))^2 > 2:

"So, for any greatest element m of A, it exists m', greatest element of A such as:"

diff(m(x), x) < m(x):

"A does not admit a least upper bound."



Hi, as I can't manage to copy and paste on mapleprimes, I would be glad to get a hint ...

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