Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17

Dear all

I have a nonlinear system of algebraic equations, I would like to solve it  without using fsolve and Newton's method. 
Maybe one can use, fixed point method or Broyden's method

Can we solve the system of 4 equations, using the proposed methods

thank you 

Dear all

I know how can I use gauss seidel to solve a linear system.

But, how can we add chebychev acceleration.

Thank you 

Dear all

I compute the solution of first order nonlinear ode, supplied to initial condition.

The code is written, the exact solution is derived.

 plot the solution in a small interval like (0,1/5) I see that there is no difference between exact and semi-analytical soluton.

But, If I plot the solution in other interval like (0,1) or (0,2), It is noticed that the semi-analytical solution is different to the exact solution. 
Thansk you in advance for your help


I have created a procedure for the so-called "Chaos Game" for the generation of Fractals. The file is the following:

On the other hand, for a given day set D:={(x0,y0,(x1,y1),...., (xN,yN)}, for simplicity we assume D is contained in [0,1]x[0,1], one can to construct an "Iterated Functions System" such that its attractor set contains the set D. A detailed exposition of this topic can be found in the famous Barnsley's book "Fractals Everywhere". Also, in the following paper (sections 2.5 and 4-A):

I have tried to implement in Maple 17 a procedure to create such Iterated Function System:

But, I feel that there is something wrong...After plot (with the Chaos Game procedure) a lot of points of the Iterated Functions System (i.e., an approximation of its attractor set), I have a "set of points", instead of a figure similar to a curve (which I feel that must be the correct).

Please, Somebody can have a look to the attached files?

Many thanks in advance for your comments.

Dear all

I have a second order PDE, i used pdesolve but no solution obtained, why?




Dear all

I tried to used insert code edit region, to write many subcodes 

but no return varibales names.

example, x:=3;

when I run the code, I get only the number affected to x, I would like to get 


Thank you 



How to draw a streamlines by using stream function provided in pdf. In the presence and absence of lambda parameter.

please help me to obtain graphs



Dear all

I tried to compute an integral using trapezoidal rule using two differents methods but I get two different results

Thank you for your help 

Hi there,

Can someone explain to me why is it happening? If smaller equal than coloured well, if smaller then just the equal line appears. Why?

dm1 := .23; pm12 := .7; dm12 := .23;
inequal(pm1*(dm12+am21)-pm12*(dm1+am21) <= 0, pm1 = 0 .. 1, am21 = 0 .. 1, color = "Nautical 1");


inequal(pm1*(dm12+am21)-pm12*(dm1+am21) < 0, pm1 = 0 .. 1, am21 = 0 .. 1, color = "Nautical 1")

Thank you!

Hello everyone,

I would have a question about how to colour a region of complicated inequalities.

I'm curious about the region where my 'lambdas' are all negatives regarding the parameters 'pm2' and 'am2', but I always find difficulties even if I try with implicitplot or inequal commands. Also, I would like to put into the same graph with different colours when they are separately smaller than 0.

I've already tried plenty of things, I hopefully attached some pics by snipping tool about them.  And here is an example of my problem:

p61w:= implicitplot([lambda61 <= 0], pm2 = 0 .. 1, am2 = 0 .. 1)

in61 := inequal(lambda61 <= 0, pm2 = 0 .. 1, am2 = 0 .. 1)





So, the main issue that it is not just coloured where my condition is true, but elsewhere too. In plot 'in61' as you can see, there is a region approx. pm2=0..0.6 where it shouldn't be coloured since my condition is not true there. In the graph; 'display(in61, p61w)',  it is visible that under the red line should be just coloured however my 'inequal' command coloured it outside too. 

Also, I tried with implicitplot, for example:

p6 := implicitplot([lambda61 <= 0], pm2 = 0 .. 1, am2 = 0 .. 1, filled = true, coloring = [blue, white], transparency = .5)

But the result is similarly wrong. And I'm not sure why it happens and how can I fix it.

(It's okay if for example for these particular lambdas (lambda61,lambda62) never negatives together, but I have more systems and I don't think it works properly)

I read similar questions too but I couldn't find an answer so, I would very appreciate any suggestions.

This is my first post in Maple, so please let me know if I have mistaken something.

How to solve this DE with IC by using DTM.
D^m u(x,t)=u''(x,t)-u^2 (x,t), where n-1< m < n 

IC: u(x,0)=1+sin(x), and u'(x,0)=0

How to write this equation in maple?



1.r from 0 to k, 


3.g(n)=0, where n not equal to 0.


Why am I not able to use my MaplePrimes login credentials to login into MapleCloud?


i got a problem to solve 2 nonlinear  pde equation that are not coupled but there is 8 coupled boundary condition. i can use pdsolve in maple.anyone can help me in numerical solving of these pdes?

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