Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17


I am experiencing some problems with the plot3d command. It does not return a nice 3d-graph, but just a bunch of dashed lines. I have entered something like this:



I am using maple 17 on windows 7

Thanks in advance.

Good day everyone,

please how can one solve this pde in terms of Bessel function or any other analytic solution with the plot.

See the file


Does anyone know how to using some softward convert ?  for example  I have maple code , but I want to using mathematica code .I need fast way.

Могу ли я использовать Клен, чтобы найти конкретные решения, которые выражаются либо в начальных и эллиптических функций для систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений. Например, вы можете получить в Maple решений (sub_Solve01, sub_Solve02) для систем, которые перечислены в файле?


Hi all, I want the best for you.

I really have confused with this bad integral (HeunB)which I've got it 2 weeks ago from a solution by Maple 17. I should solve this one to solve the derivative of this too.


Help me please, I attached the attribute file.


How can one use maple to linearized nonlinear ODE of this type

with maple.

Best regards.


Hi there,

I've got the following differential equation system:,

dU/dt = delta·dotD -lambda·U - kappa·U^2
dL/dt = (1-phi)·lambda·U + 1/4 ·kappa·U^2

being phi, delta, kappa, lambda, kappa some fixed parameters of the system, and where dotD (the derivative wrt time of a function D), which is defined a piecewise funtion:

dotD(t)=1/(3·T1)·DT for t in [0,T1]

dotD(t)=2/(3·(T2-T1-T))·DT for t in [T1+T,T2]

where T and DT are also known, and T1 approaches 0, and T2 approaches T1+T.

Setting the equation system in Maple and trying to solve it, gives a NULL result. However, trying to solve each piece separately seems to work fine.

Why is this?


Furthermore, taking limits for the [T1+T,T2] part (having solved each piece separately) yields an invalid limits point error. Ain't the possibility to take limits for both parameters at the same time?

Any ideas?


This is the Maple worksheet:

Thank you.


Hi there,

I am trying to maximize a function given a set of values to a parameter in the function. The function is an differential equation belonging to a system of two differential equations.

I have a for loop to state different values to the parameter.

Maple yields the error:

Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) cannot evaluate the solution further right of 0.17757507e-4, probably a singularity

When trying to maximize the function.

Supposed that I was doing something wrong in the loop, if I reproduce the contents of the loop outside, and set a value for the parameter. If I plot the solution of the ordinary differential equation, I can see where the maximum lies.

Having plot it, the Optimizamtion:-Maximize works as expected.

However, omitting the plot has a weird effect: I only get the same result depending on the bounds I set for the Maximization:

de1 := diff(A(t), t) = r*m*(1-g)*A(t)-piecewise(t < 8, r*A(t), t >= 8, (r+k)*A(t));
de2 := diff(G(t), t) = r*m*g*A(t)-l*G(t);

ics := A(0) = 25.0, G(0) = 0.;
num := dsolve({de1, de2, ics}, {A(t), G(t)}, type = numeric, output = listprocedure, parameters = [g]);

num(parameters = [g = .15]);
val := eval(G(t), num);

# odeplot(val, [t, G(t)], t = 0 .. 100);

Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) cannot evaluate the solution further right of 0.17757507e-4, probably a singularity

val2 := Maximize(val);

Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) cannot evaluate the solution further right of 0.17757507e-4, probably a singularity

val3 := Maximize(val(t), t = 0 .. 60);

  [10267.824035766165, [t = 8.25727747134303]]

val4 := Maximize(val(t), t = 0 .. 100);

[6.863211343195069e-9, [t = 59.84184367042171]]


The right answer is [10267.824035766165, [t = 8.25727747134303]]: Why do I get two different answers even if in that range there is only one relative maximum?

I ignore whether the way I am specifying the arguments for the Maximize function is correct. val is a procedure.


What am I missing?

Attached is the worksheet:




Good day everyone, could you please help use Gauss Elimination method for these system of equations. See the worksheet here


Hi there,

this may be a common task but did not find any helpful hint nor an answer: is there any way to combine to arrays A and B into another one element-wise, i.e.:
C = [[A[1],B[1]], [A[2],B[2]],...,[A[N],B[N]]]
without doing a for loop?


Hi there,

I would like to have an operator (in this case, the natural logarithm) applied to a list/array of points defined as:

ydata := [0.572594976618e-1, 0.327865007249e-1, 0.280821589546e-1, 0.114365745192e-1, 0.578537931608e-2, 0.139154661062e-2, 0.641467839994e-3, 0.18013801847e-3];

How can I apply Maple's ln() operator to the whole array (i.e. avoid to apply it to ydata [1], ydata [2], etc.)?

Thank you,



Hello friends!

I 'm a student and I don't know a lot about Maple, so I would be really grateful if anyone could help me.

I want to solve a system of two equations and I have two unknowns, which are k and εα. However I don't know what I am doing wrong and I can't solve it.

I have attached my file.

Thank you very much in advance!


How do I get values out of solved augmented matric in 2D math input? I cannot simply assign the solutions to a value by x:=A[1,5}, because it's an augmented matrix.

Can maple solve maximization problem like

q := proc (a, b, c) options operator, arrow; .2*b+.1*c end proc;
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
(a, b, c) -> 0.2 b + 0.1 c
w := proc (a, b, c) options operator, arrow; .7*a+.1*c end proc;
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
(a, b, c) -> 0.7 ab + 0.1 c
e := proc (a, b, c) options operator, arrow; .7*a+.2*b*c end proc;
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
(a, b, c) -> 0.7 a + 0.2 b c


Maxmize(int(min(100+(.7*a+q)*(1/2), a), q)+int(min(100+(.2*b+w)*(1/2), b), w)+int(min(100+(.1*c+e)*(1/2), c), e)-a-b-c-ab-ac-bc)

Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) cannot convert procedures to piecewise



Thanks alot if you can help me.Urgent! Really appreciate.


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