Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17


i have problem with this eq.

i need your help.

N := 4;
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
y := sum(A[2*n].cos(2.*n.x), n = 0 .. N);

eq1 := diff(y, `$`(x, 2))+(a+2*q*cos(2*x))*y

eq2 := map(combine, eq1, trig)

for i from 0 to 4 do eq4[i] := coeff(eq2, cos(2*n*x)) end do

From these I want to extract the co-ffficients of cos(0x),cos(2x),cos(4x)..

and form a simultaneous linear equation containg A0,A2,A4

The solution is 



Can anybody tell me how to do it

Am here again, pls help me check out this adm code, cant get a result.

below is the attached file

Consider the following code snippet:


By itself it is, of course, pretty meaningless, but that is not the point. My problem is that after Maple has executed it, it will annoyingly continue using M> for each new execution group that is inserted. Having removed the frame with the command RemoveFrame, I would have expected that not to be the case. How can the frame be truly removed?

The keyboard shortcut sequence for executing an entire worksheet is Alt+e+e+w. Occasionally, I hit Alt+e+w+w by accidence. In that case, Maple sometimes, not always!?, gets completely stuck and can only be shut down through the job list window (Windows Ctrl+Alt+Del). Can anybody else replicate that? And if so, has this erratically odd behaviour been fixed in later versions of Maple?


So I know it is possible to collect for example any letter collect(S,x)

But I want to collect in particular for an entire product in this case

e.g. collect(S,a^4*b*c)

This obviously doesnt work but is it possible to get it working somehow?

There are 4 points which I want to plot as solid spheres in 3d. Here is the code:

Rplot := pointplot3d(`<,>`(r, Transpose(Vector([0, 0, 0]))), style = point, symbolsize = 40, color = [red, grey, grey, green])

plotsetup(ps, plotoutput = `E:\\.../C.eps`, plotoptions = `width=2000, height=2000, noborder`); print(plots:-display(Rplot, axes = boxed, labels = [x, y, z], symbol = solidsphere));

plotsetup(default, plotoptions = `width=2000, height=2000, noborder`); display(Rplot, axes = boxed, labels = [x, y, z], symbol = solidsphere)

In Maple itself everything looks fine, but once I try to export it to ".ps" I see this.

The problem lies in "symbol = solidsphere". When I change it to "diamond", for example, export is successful:


But I need solidsphere. What should I do to fix this error (except manual editing in Adobe Illustrator)?

This may be a silly question, but does there exist some simple way of (Taylor) expanding an expression of 'small' functions in terms of these functions.

A simple example: Assume that diff(f(x),x) and g(x) are two functions both with range, say, in [-a,+a], where a << 1, and consider the following expression:

sqrt(1 + diff(f(x),x)) * (2 + g(x));

Its expansion to first order in terms of diff(f(x),x) and g(x) should be 2 + diff(f(x),x) + g(x). My problem is that mtaylor does not accept functions as variables to expand on, and I would prefer not to have to substitute back and forth with some 'placeholders'.





Can we calculate the following equations in Maple?

Substituting equations (21) and (22) into (17), and then obtain equation (23). How to do that? I have done this, but the results are complex and large. They are not in a sum form, but in an expansion form. The reference and the maple file are attached.

Hope for your help.

Best wishes,



Can Maple 17.0 work on Windows 10 Home Edition? or it can be only Windows 10 Pro Edition

Trying to plot the function 7*x^2+22*xy+7*y^2+14*xz*sqrt(3)+14*yz*sqrt(3)-5*z^2 = 180, I tried using implicitplot3d to plot it, with ranges I'm quite certain should contain the surface but for whatever reason all I get is a blank plot with no graphics. Here's my input:


Loading plots

[animate, animate3d, animatecurve, arrow, changecoords,

complexplot, complexplot3d, conformal, conformal3d,

contourplot, contourplot3d, coordplot, coordplot3d,

densityplot, display, dualaxisplot, fieldplot, fieldplot3d,

gradplot, gradplot3d, implicitplot, implicitplot3d, inequal,

interactive, interactiveparams, intersectplot, listcontplot,

listcontplot3d, listdensityplot, listplot, listplot3d,

loglogplot, logplot, matrixplot, multiple, odeplot, pareto,

plotcompare, pointplot, pointplot3d, polarplot, polygonplot,

polygonplot3d, polyhedra_supported, polyhedraplot, rootlocus,

semilogplot, setcolors, setoptions, setoptions3d, spacecurve,

sparsematrixplot, surfdata, textplot, textplot3d, tubeplot]
implicitplot3d(7*x^2+22*xy+7*y^2+14*xz*sqrt(3)+14*yz*sqrt(3)-5*z^2 = 180, x = -50 .. 50, y = -50 .. 50, z = -50 .. 50, axes = normal);


Not sure what I'm doing wrong exactly. 

As far as I can tell from the help pages, Maple 17, which I am using, can perform only one-dimensional Fourier transformations. Has that changed in latter versions?

I ask because I would like to find the 4D Fourier transformation of Heaviside(t^2 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2), the argument being the Minkowski line element. I have made quite some attempts with pen and paper, but the results are not stable. One calculational strategy of mine seems to depend on the order of integration: alongside some other part, a 4D Dirac delta function either appears or not. Another strategy produces an altogther differently looking expression.

It would therefore be nice to have some computational guidance.

The following is the log file after running a code file,

Extrema_Network := table([])

Extrema_Network[Han] := [20.0, 385.61]

Extrema_Network[Liv] := [20.0, 385.61]

Extrema_Network[Vir] := [20.0, 385.61]

values := [[2.8274333874308139146163, 2 Pi]]

theta_step := 0

phi_step := 0

counter_theta := 0

counter_phi := 0

distance eff distance_eff
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
Im in has par
Im in has par
the time offset for Han was .71848e-2*cos(lat_begin)*cos(long_begin)+.12746e-1*cos(lat_begin)*sin(long_begin)-.15394e-1*sin(lat_begin)
the time offset for Liv was .24690e-3*cos(lat_begin)*cos(long_begin)+.18302e-1*cos(lat_begin)*sin(long_begin)-.10809e-1*sin(lat_begin)
the time offset for Vir was -.15117e-1*cos(lat_begin)*cos(long_begin)-.28029e-2*cos(lat_begin)*sin(long_begin)-.14657e-1*sin(lat_begin)
the angles with the coordinate axis are [long_begin-3.1416, 1.5708+lat_begin]
Using logChirp

common factor in Signal() was .43329e-21

Using logChirp

common factor in Signal() was .43329e-21

Using logChirp

common factor in Signal() was .43329e-21

snr_network was (187.00-.48032e-3*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)-378.50*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)*sin(long_begin)-247.94*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^3*cos(long_begin)^3-56.997*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^3*cos(long_begin)-31.130*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)*cos(long_begin)^3+32.512*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)+196.54*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)*cos(long_begin)+.65598e-3*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)-.13119e-2*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^3+64.585*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^3*cos(long_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)-61.911*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)*cos(long_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)+110.68*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)-375.04*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)+.85041e-3*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)+.10495e-3*(1.+sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*(1.-1.*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)*sin(lat_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)-.49247e-3*sin(lat_begin)^3+260.07*cos(long_begin)^4+.16559e-3*cos(long_begin)^4*sin(lat_begin)+.16559e-3*sin(lat_begin)^3*cos(long_begin)^4+.90222e-3*sin(lat_begin)^3*cos(long_begin)^2-.12334e-2*sin(lat_begin)*cos(long_begin)^2-268.44*cos(long_begin)^2+102.34*sin(long_begin)*cos(long_begin)-590.30*sin(lat_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^2-312.01*sin(lat_begin)^4*cos(long_begin)^2-102.19*sin(lat_begin)^4*sin(long_begin)^2+260.07*sin(lat_begin)^4*cos(long_begin)^4+650.59*sin(lat_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^4+114.40*cos(long_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)+33.292*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^2-.11326e-2*cos(long_begin)^3*sin(lat_begin)*sin(long_begin)-.85371e-4*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^2*sin(lat_begin)-.11326e-2*sin(lat_begin)^3*cos(long_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)+.49010e-3*sin(lat_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)*cos(long_begin)-.85371e-4*sin(lat_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^2-394.84*sin(lat_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)*cos(long_begin)+287.80*sin(lat_begin)^4*sin(long_begin)*cos(long_begin)+114.40*sin(lat_begin)^4*cos(long_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)-219.38*sin(lat_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^3*sin(long_begin)+33.292*sin(lat_begin)^4*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^2+1085.5*sin(lat_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)^2*cos(long_begin)^2+.64246e-3*sin(lat_begin)*sin(long_begin)*cos(long_begin)+157.13*sin(long_begin)^2-54.941*sin(lat_begin)^2*sin(long_begin)^2+78.538*sin(lat_begin)^4+27.150*sin(lat_begin)^2+.57530e-3*sin(lat_begin))^(1/2)
low_fisher for detector Han was

Error, (in fprintf) number expected for floating point format




hou := 0

mini := 0

seci := 0

memory used=26.3MB, alloc=32.3MB, time=0.47

Not quite sure why I am getting this error. Also this code was written in maple 14 and I am using maple 17. Could that also explain why I am getting all these errors? Is it possible to downgrade maple 17 to maple 14? Sorry if my question above on fprintf is a bit too cryptic as it is research work. I will upload the code file in a reply.

After running Maple in a shell file, I come up with this error that I do not understand on my Mac,

gap_long := 0.117647058823529 Pi

gap_lat := 0.0588235294117647 Pi

lat_begin := 0.441176470588235 Pi

long_begin := -Pi

lat_begin_0 := 0.441176470588235 Pi

long_begin_0 := -Pi

long_max := 0.882352941176471 Pi

lat_max := -0.441176470588235 Pi


Warning, `parameter` is implicitly declared local to procedure `set_par_eff`

distance eff distance_eff
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
im in has not
Im in has par
Im in has par
Error, invalid input: eval expects its 2nd argument, eqns, to be of type
{integer, equation, set(equation)}, but received par_eff_post




hou := 0

mini := 0

seci := 0

memory used=4.0MB, alloc=32.3MB, time=0.23

If needed, I can attach more files if my question is still a bit too cryptic. Please let me know asap as this is urgent. Thank you so much,

Dear All,

I am going to solve the following systems of ODEs but get the error: Newton iteration is not converging.
Could you please share your idea with me. In the case of AA=-0.2,0,0.2,0.4,...; I could get the solution.
Thank you in advance.

Pr := 2; Le := 2; nn := 2; Nb := .1; Nt := .1; QQ := .1; SS := .1; BB := .1; CC := .1; Ec := .1; MM := .2;AA:=-0.4;

Eq1 := diff(f(eta), `$`(eta, 3))+f(eta).(diff(f(eta), `$`(eta, 2)))-2.*nn/(nn+1).((diff(f(eta), eta))^2)-MM.(diff(f(eta), eta)) = 0; Eq2 := 1/Pr.(diff(theta(eta), `$`(eta, 2)))+f(eta).(diff(theta(eta), eta))-4.*nn/(nn+1).(diff(f(eta), eta)).theta(eta)+Nb.(diff(theta(eta), eta)).(diff(h(eta), eta))+Nt.((diff(theta(eta), eta))^2)+Ec.((diff(f(eta), `$`(eta, 2)))^2)-QQ.theta(eta) = 0;
Eq3 := diff(h(eta), `$`(eta, 2))+Le.f(eta).(diff(h(eta), eta))+Nt/Nb.(diff(theta(eta), `$`(eta, 2))) = 0;

bcs := f(0) = SS, (D(f))(0) = 1+AA.((D@@2)(f))(0), theta(0) = 1+BB.(D(theta))(0), phi(0) = 1+CC.(D(phi))(0), (D(f))(etainf) = 0, theta(etainf) = 0, phi(etainf) = 0

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/ComputeSolution) Newton iteration is not converging

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