Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17

For the last few releases of Maple, we have been adding features to take advantage of multi-core processors.  Most of this work has focused on particular algorithms or on tools that allow users to author their own parallel code.  Although this was very useful for those users who were able to use those tools, many users did not see a performance improvement.  To help all users we need to integrate parallelism into the core algorithms of Maple.  In Maple 17 we have taken the first step towards general parallelism in the core algorithms by implementing a parallel garbage collector.


with x=1/2*arccosh(1/s)-beta*u

is to be calculated to the first order in u.

in fact im only interested in the first order not in the zero order.

so when applying the series I get for the first order


whereas by hand I get:


 I'd really appreciate some idea since...

this function:


shall be calculated @ x=1/2*arccosh(1/s)

when taking the limit maple tells me its 0

whereas when calculating it by hand i get ln(sqrt(1-s^2)/s)

whats the problem?

PS: 0<s<1

Maple 17 adds several new visualizations in Graph Theory as well as updates to inequality plotting and visualizing branch cuts in mathematical expressions.  In preparing the “what’s new” pages for Maple 17, we decided to showcase several of these plots alongside some of our other favourites.

The following file contains code to create most of the “what’s new” plots, as well as some quick tips and techniques for using the ColorTools package to enhance your plots:...

Dear Maple Users

I am mainly in favor of the new rules concerning subscripts. Using Ctrl+-- (double underscore) it is pretty straight forward to get a literal subscript and it displays much better in the palette Variables than was the case i Maple 16. Also the purple coloring of a variable containing a literal subscript makes sense, because it can be distinguished from the usual subscript (now Ctrl+shift+-). Good that you can remove the coloring in the View Menu (Atomic Variables...

my function is:

f := proc (x) if 0 < x and x < evalf(Pi) then 1 elif evalf(Pi) < x and x < evalf(2*Pi) then -1 end if end proc

now it tried:

f1 := add((-1)^n*f(x-evalf(2*n*Pi)), n = 0 .. 10)

to get a periodic function.

but unfortunately it says:

Error, (in f) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 0 < x and x < 3.141592654
already when trying to calc the sum.

I don't understand why 'expand(x+y)^18' the smart popup work, but with 'expand(x+y)^19'  (or more then 19) i have no smart popups!

Any idea?

Thank you all

In Maple 17, the Student MultivariateCalculus package has been augmented with fifteen new commands relevant for defining and manipulating lines and planes. There already exists a functionality for this in the geom3d package whose structures differ from those in the new Student packages. Students...

Every year at Maplesoft, we continue to pursue our mission of making powerful computational mathematics easily accessible within a friendly environment. Maple 17 is no exception: Hundreds of new algorithms, from differential equations to statistics to signal processing, continue to keep Maple ahead of the curve. At the same time, a wealth...

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