Maple 2018 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2018

These are some basic questions on using packages from Maple Cloud. I only used it once or twice so far.

When I click on the "cloud" icon, on top right corner of the menu, I see on the left panel "Math apps" then below it "packages" and then below it is says "installed".

When I click on "installed", I see one package that I installed sometime ago.

1) How does one uninstall a package listed in the "installed" list? I see no option to do this.

2) How does one know if the "installed" package needs to be updated or not? And if so, how does one updated it? 

3) In the "packages" list, I see "physics Updates".  Now,  I did install this earlier (1-2 weeks ago). Then why is it not listed also under the "installed" list? And how does one know if they have installed a package that shows in the "packages" list?

There is no marker or anything there to tell one they have installed it or not.  Is one supposed to go look in the "installed" list to manually check if they installed it or not?

4)What happens if one install a package/app they have installed before. Will the new package overwrite the older version automatically?

5) It seems packages installed go to some temporary folder. Is there a way to configure it, so that all packages installed go to some other user defined folder. This way, if one moves to a new PC or such, they do not lose all the packages they have installed? 

It seems these basic functionalities are missing: 1. option to uninstall a package. 2. Marker of some kind to tell one if they installed something listed in the "packages" list. 3. Marker to tell one if a package they have installed needs to be updated if there is a newer version on the cloud.

Only options I see are: Install, view, share link and search. That is all. All the above also applies to "Math apps".

Using Maple 2018 on windows.

I've been using Maple 2018 only a few days now, was mostly using Maple 2016 and never had any issues with returning an output (at least one that wasnt my fault), but with 2018 I've seen a few times where a simple task would return an output of "__SELECTION" and then my input. No idea what this is or why its happening and all I really need to know is how to prevent it from happening. If its something with my preferences or settings that needs to be addressed, thats fine, but otherwise this is getting to be a real pain. See attached 


Occasionally I use the Variables palette to inspect some variables after a run. In Maple2018 it seems every Vector or Array returns something like "Empty variable structure" or similar. I never saw this in prior versions of Maple.

A bug? Or am I missing something??


To demonstrate Maple 2018’s new Python connectivity, we wanted to integrate a large Python library. The result is the DeepLearning package - this offers an interface to a subset of the Tensorflow framework for machine learning.

I thought I’d share an application that demonstrates how the DeepLearning package can be used to recognize the numbers in images of handwritten digits.

The application employs a very small subset of the MNIST database of handwritten digits. Here’s a sample image for the digit 0.

This image can be represented as a matrix of pixel intensities.        

The application generates weights for each digit by training a two-layer neural network using multinomial logistic regression. When visualized, the weights for each digit might look like this.

Let’s say that we’re comparing an image of a handwritten digit to the weights for the digit 0. If a pixel with a high intensity lands in

  • an intensely red area, the evidence is high that the number in the image is 0
  • an intensely blue area, the evidence is low that the number in the image is 0

While this explanation is technically simplistic, the application offers more detail.

Get the application here



Maple 2017.3 wont open, when I launch it. I've tried updating Maple, updating Java, updating my graphic driver and of course restarting my computer. It just keeps on the loading launcher at a completely empty loading bar.


I've also tried downloading Maple 2018.0, and the same problem appears. This is how it looks:

Do anyone know how to fix this?

I want to include the result of an evaluation in a document block that is included in a workbook. It is easy to write sin(Pi) and obtatin sin(Pi)=0 in your document block. Howwever in the case below I want to preserve only y=x/3  removing the isolate(...) expression. Does anyone know if this can be done and if so how to do it?

x = 3*y

x = 3*y



Here  is an inline evaluation of a previous formula isolate(x = 3*y, y) = y = (1/3)*xwhere we have an uneeded '=' sign which can be edited out easily. But is it possible to hide the formula that is evaluated leaving only the output inline and to do this only for the current document block?

Thanks for any help.



I want to adjust values in a matrix. In the example matrix you will find some measurement errors (values around -4000 or 1). But these are definitely measurement errors. Is there any possibility to adjust these values to the surrounding values (~1500) in an interpolation. Can someone help me how I can do this with maple?

Ps.: the matrix is exported from maple into .xls


Thank you very much!

Why is assume(...) do_something();  gives an error when I run the code one more time, but do_something() assuming ...; do not give an error when everything else is the same?

Is there semantic difference between the two forms? I thought they should work the same way. Here is an example

#in separate cell

#in separate cell
pde := diff(u(x, t), t)=k*diff(u(x, t), x$2):
ic:=u(x,0)=0: bc:=u(0,t)=t:
sol:= pdsolve({pde,ic,bc},u(x,t)):

#in separate cell. Now this gives error
pde := diff(u(x, t), t)=k*diff(u(x, t), x$2):
ic:=u(x,0)=0: bc:=u(0,t)=t:
sol:= pdsolve({pde,ic,bc},u(x,t)):
#error message now

Here is screen shot

Now will do the same, but use assuming. Now there is no error

#in one cell

#in one cell
pde := diff(u(x, t), t)=k*diff(u(x, t), x$2):
ic:=u(x,0)=0: bc:=u(0,t)=t:
sol:= pdsolve({pde,ic,bc},u(x,t)) assuming x>0,t>0,k>0:

#in one cell, no error
pde := diff(u(x, t), t)=k*diff(u(x, t), x$2):
ic:=u(x,0)=0: bc:=u(0,t)=t:
sol:= pdsolve({pde,ic,bc},u(x,t)) assuming x>0,t>0,k>0:

Here is screen shot

Why does one give an error, but the second one does not?

I thought they work the same way. Which method is recommended to use?

assume(...); do_something(); 


do_something() assuming ...;

Maple 2018 on windows.

Is it possible to get the following integral involving vectors done in Maple 2018, but handle the singularity when p1=p3?

Note that the output of p3 and p1 are slightly different, probably because the earlier version of the worksheet was in Maple 2017? 

(Note: Earlier version - was due to help received from Dr. Edgardo Cheb-Terrab, using Maple 2017). 

r_ := _i*x+_j*y+_k*z;
                    r_ := _i x + _j y + _k z
p__1_ := _i*`p__1x `+_j*`p__1y `+_k*`p__1z `;
           p__1_ := _i p__1x  + _j p__1y  + _k p__1z 
p__3_ := _i*`p__3x `+_j*`p__3y `+_k*`p__3z `;
           p__3_ := _i p__3x  + _j p__3y  + _k p__3z 
Expression to integrate wrt p3
'exp(i*(p__1_ . r_))/((p__3_ - p__1_)^2)'
             exp(I Physics:-Vectors:-.(p__1_, r_))
              Physics:-Vectors:-+(p__3_, -p__1_)  
Delaying the evaluation above, if evaluation is allowed, the integrand is
exp(I*(p__1_ . r_))/(p__3_-p__1_)^2;
(exp(I (p__1x  x + p__1y  y + p__1z  z)))/((_i (-p__1x  + p__3x )

   + _j (-p__1y  + p__3y ) + _k (-p__1z  + p__3z ))^2)
T i is the imaginary unit
interface(imaginaryunit = I);
Because (4), has the value of i before being the imaginary unit, input the integrand again
'exp(i*(p__1_ . r_))/((p__3_ - p__1_)^2)'
             exp(I Physics:-Vectors:-.(p__1_, r_))
              Physics:-Vectors:-+(p__3_, -p__1_)  

Now on the integration
Int(exp(I*(p__1_ . r_))/(p__3_-p__1_)^2, [`p__3x ` = -infinity .. infinity, `p__3y ` = -infinity .. infinity, `p__3y ` = -infinity .. infinity]);
  /infinity   /infinity   /infinity                            
 |           |           |                                     
 |           |           |          (exp(I (p__1x  x + p__1y  y
 |           |           |                                     
/-infinity  /-infinity  / -infinity                            

   + p__1z  z)))/((_i (-p__1x  + p__3x ) + _j (-p__1y  + p__3y )

   + _k (-p__1z  + p__3z ))^2) dp__3x  dp__3y  dp__3y 
value(Int(exp(I*(`p__1x `*x+`p__1y `*y+`p__1z `*z))/(_i*(-`p__1x `+`p__3x `)+_j*(-`p__1y `+`p__3y `)+_k*(-`p__1z `+`p__3z `))^2, [`p__3x ` = -infinity .. infinity, `p__3y ` = -infinity .. infinity, `p__3y ` = -infinity .. infinity]));
                                         /         /[          
 exp(I (p__1x  x + p__1y  y + p__1z  z)) |PIECEWISE|[infinity, 
                                         \         \[          

   Im(_i p__1x  + _j p__1y  + _k p__1z  - _k p__3z )    ]  
   ------------------------------------------------- = 0], 
                          _i                            ]  

   [0, otherwise]|| infinity
In the above, there is the product of three Dirac delta functions, that can be represented as a single 3D Dirac delta
combine(exp(I*(`p__1x `*x+`p__1y `*y+`p__1z `*z))*piecewise(Im(_i*`p__1x `+_j*`p__1y `+_k*`p__1z `-_k*`p__3z `)/_i = 0, infinity, 0)*infinity);
                                         /         /[          
 exp(I (p__1x  x + p__1y  y + p__1z  z)) |PIECEWISE|[infinity, 
                                         \         \[          

   Im(_i p__1x  + _j p__1y  + _k p__1z  - _k p__3z )    ]  
   ------------------------------------------------- = 0], 
                          _i                            ]  

   [0, otherwise]|| infinity



I wonder why trigonometric functions in the Trig Identities context menu in this new release are now suddenly printed italic like cos(x). It's not only inconsistent with the display of functions everywhere else within Maple, also every LaTeX user with very little knowledge of mathematical typesetting rules will frown at the sight of this.

I know it's not a big thing but Maple always stresses to produce pretty-print textbook style output. Powers of trigonometric functions like tan(theta)^2 as shown in the attached screenshot would however be printed like tan^2(theta) in textbooks just as when written by hand.

There are quite some examples where Maple uses significantly strange typesetting like total derivatives dx dy dz in the Physics package that are typeset as partial derivatives. I wonder why Maple introduced a partial-d but not also a total-d operator - doesn't that kind of hurt the eye even if the functionality is beyond critique? That's actually the only case that comes to my mind right now where even Mathematica's typesetting resembles mathematics in textbooks more closely and displays mathematical content more pleasantly than Maple does.

Could some Maple expert help me understand why pdsolve gives me this error message from trying to solve this Schrödinger pde and if there is a work around?


I must be doing something wrong, but do not see it.

Mathematica solves the above as follows

pde=I D[f[x,t],t]==-D[f[x,t],{x,2}] + 2 x^2 f[x,t];

thank you

I just installed Maple 2018.   There are long delays when typing imput into a worksheet.  Never had this problem with Maple 2017. I assume that there is some new debugging going on during my input.  But, whatever it is, is there a way to turn it off?

Does any one know of a trick to make Maple solve this PDE using pdsolve?


I have tried all HINTS and assumptions and Maple just returns () as solution.

Mathematica solve this as follows



Heavidside theta is basically a unit step function.


Maple 2018.

I am surprised Maple pdsolve can't solve this basic heat PDE. it is heat PDE on bar, with left end boundary condition being time dependent is only difference from basic heat PDE's on a bar.

May be a Maple expert can find a work around? I tried all the HINTS I know about.

#infolevel[pdsolve] := 3:
sol:=pdsolve([pde,bc,ic],u(x,t)) assuming t>0 and x>0;


I also hope this question of mine do not get deleted as well, like the question I posted last night asking why pdsolve ignores assumptions that showed number of examples, was deleted few hrs after I posted it. 

If this question gets deleted, I will get the message that posts showing any problem in Maple software are not welcome here by Maplesoft and I will stop coming here.


This is using Maple 2018.

I noticed when solving Laplace PDE on disk, that no condition is needed to tell Maple if one is asking for solution inside the disk or outside. So how does Maple know which one it is?

It turned out Maple gives the same solution for the PDE outside as inside, which is wrong.

The solution to Laplace PDE inside a disk of radius 1 is

Which Maple gives correctly. But it also give the same above solution for outside the disk. The solution outside the disk should have r^(-n) and not r(n).  Like this

Basically Maple ignores assumption on `r`. This is what I tried

pde := (diff(r*(diff(u(r, theta), r)), r))/r+(diff(u(r, theta), theta, theta))/r^2 = 0:
bc := u(1, theta) = f(theta), u(r, -Pi) = u(r, Pi), (D[2](u))(r, -Pi) = (D[2](u))(r, Pi):
sol_inside:=pdsolve([pde, bc], u(r, theta), HINT = boundedseries) assuming r<1;

pde := (diff(r*(diff(u(r, theta), r)), r))/r+(diff(u(r, theta), theta, theta))/r^2 = 0:
bc := u(1, theta) = f(theta), u(r, -Pi) = u(r, Pi), (D[2](u))(r, -Pi) = (D[2](u))(r, Pi):
sol_outside:=pdsolve([pde, bc], u(r, theta)) assuming r>1;


Both the above gives the same answer.

How then does one solve the Laplace PDE outside the disk using Maple? And why is assumptions on "r" seems to be ignored in the above?



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