Maple 2019 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2019

Local a,

use XML Tools in 
end use;

end proc;


I have a problem, please help me to solve it.

I am trying to extract coefficients of some polynomial expressions but I receive Error.

For example:


>Setup(mathematicalnotation = true)

>S := a*(x^2)+b*x+c*(1/(x-h)):

>Coefficients(S, x, 1)

>Error, (in Physics:-Coefficients) unable to compute coeff.

**** Note that if instead of the term (1/(x-h)) we have (1/x), then we get the true result. The error occurs only when we have some extra things in the denominator namely "-h".


How to learn Maple Programming effectively, whether Python will help?

My objective is to write a procedure that will read data from xml at different mentioned condition, read ICBO value at different condition of VGS i.e ICBO value at VGS=5V

BJT_ICBO := proc(parsedXML, VGS at condition )


end proc;

can some one help me to write procedure 


In maple, how to change strings style? Thanks!  

In Mathematica , we can choose Style to change strings style.

Style["A", Blue, Italic, 24]


source of the  problem : I make an User Interface.

the color of   "mass "  may consider be changed to  red . 


Hi, can someone explain me why CodeGeneration in C throws the error : Error, (in Print) improper op or subscript selector ? Interestingly, CodeGeneration in Python or Matlab works. Source code is attached. Thanks in advance!


Membrane Energy


restart; with(VectorCalculus); with(LinearAlgebra); with(CodeGeneration)

Define variables


Vectors for vertices of current position

v1 := Vector(3, symbol = v1_i) = Vector[column]([[v1_i[1]], [v1_i[2]], [v1_i[3]]], ["x", "y", "z"]) 

v2 := Vector(3, symbol = v2_i) = Vector[column]([[v2_i[1]], [v2_i[2]], [v2_i[3]]], ["x", "y", "z"])NULL

v3 := Vector(3, symbol = v3_i) = Vector[column]([[v3_i[1]], [v3_i[2]], [v3_i[3]]], ["x", "y", "z"])NULL

n := `&x`(v2-v1, v3-v1)

v4 := v1+n/norm(n, 2)^.5

Vector for vertices of next position

v1n := Vector(3, symbol = v1n_i) = Vector[column]([[v1n_i[1]], [v1n_i[2]], [v1n_i[3]]], ["x", "y", "z"])NULL

v2n := Vector(3, symbol = v2n_i) = Vector[column]([[v2n_i[1]], [v2n_i[2]], [v2n_i[3]]], ["x", "y", "z"])NULL

v3n := Vector(3, symbol = v3n_i) = Vector[column]([[v3n_i[1]], [v3n_i[2]], [v3n_i[3]]], ["x", "y", "z"])NULL

nn := `&x`(v2n-v1n, v3n-v1n)

v4n := v1n+nn/norm(nn, 2)^.5``



Define Transformation


V := LinearAlgebra:-Transpose(Matrix([v2-v1, v3-v1, v4-v1]))

Dimension(V) = 3, 3 

Vn := LinearAlgebra:-Transpose(Matrix([v2n-v1n, v3n-v1n, v4n-v1n]))

Dimension(Vn) = 3, 3NULL

Note we have Vn = T*V and if the current triangle is not degenerate, then T = Vn/V. As we can pre-compute 1/V we define a new matrix for it:

Vinv := Matrix(3, 3, symbol = Vinv_ij) =

Matrix(%id = 18446746713267339006)


T := MatrixMatrixMultiply(Vn, Vinv)

Dimension(T) = 3, 3``



Define Energy


E := Trace(MatrixMatrixMultiply(T, LinearAlgebra:-Transpose(T)))``



Gradient and Hessian


gradE := Gradient(E, [v1n[1], v1n[2], v1n[3], v2n[1], v2n[2], v2n[3], v3n[1], v3n[2], v3n[3]])

Dimension(gradE) = 9NULL

CodeGeneration[C](gradE, defaulttype = numeric, optimize = tryhard, functionprecision = double, precision = double, deducetypes = false, resultname = 'gradE')t1 = v2n_i[0] - v1n_i[0];
t2 = v2n_i[1] - v1n_i[1];
t3 = v2n_i[2] - v1n_i[2];
t4 = t1 * Vinv_ij[0][0] + t2 * Vinv_ij[1][0] + t3 * Vinv_ij[2][0];
t5 = t1 * Vinv_ij[0][1] + t2 * Vinv_ij[1][1] + t3 * Vinv_ij[2][1];
t6 = t1 * Vinv_ij[0][2] + t2 * Vinv_ij[1][2] + t3 * Vinv_ij[2][2];
t7 = v3n_i[0] - v1n_i[0];
t8 = v3n_i[1] - v1n_i[1];
t9 = v3n_i[2] - v1n_i[2];
t10 = t7 * Vinv_ij[0][0] + t8 * Vinv_ij[1][0] + t9 * Vinv_ij[2][0];
t11 = t7 * Vinv_ij[0][1] + t8 * Vinv_ij[1][1] + t9 * Vinv_ij[2][1];
t12 = t7 * Vinv_ij[0][2] + t8 * Vinv_ij[1][2] + t9 * Vinv_ij[2][2];
t13 = t2 * t9 - t3 * t8;
t14 = fabs(t13);
t15 = t1 * t9 - t3 * t7;
t16 = fabs(t15);
t17 = t1 * t8 - t2 * t7;
t18 = fabs(t17);
t19 = pow(t14, 0.2e1) + pow(t16, 0.2e1) + pow(t18, 0.2e1);
t20 = pow(t19, -0.5e1 / 0.4e1);
t19 = t19 * t20;
t21 = Vinv_ij[0][0] * t13;
t22 = Vinv_ij[1][0] * t15;
t23 = Vinv_ij[2][0] * t17;
t24 = (t23 + t21 - t22) * t19;
t25 = -v2n_i[2] + v3n_i[2];
t26 = fabs(t15) / t15;
t27 = -v2n_i[1] + v3n_i[1];
t28 = fabs(t17) / t17;
t21 = t23 + t21 - t22;
t22 = (t16 * t25 * t26 + t18 * t27 * t28) * t20;
t23 = 0.1e1 / 0.2e1;
t29 = Vinv_ij[0][1] * t13;
t30 = Vinv_ij[1][1] * t15;
t31 = Vinv_ij[2][1] * t17;
t32 = (t31 + t29 - t30) * t19;
t29 = t31 + t29 - t30;
t30 = Vinv_ij[0][2] * t13;
t15 = Vinv_ij[1][2] * t15;
t17 = Vinv_ij[2][2] * t17;
t31 = (t17 + t30 - t15) * t19;
t15 = t17 + t30 - t15;
t17 = t6 + t12;
t30 = t5 + t11;
t33 = t4 + t10;
t13 = fabs(t13) / t13;
t34 = -v2n_i[0] + v3n_i[0];
t35 = (t14 * t25 * t13 - t18 * t34 * t28) * t20;
t35 = t17 * Vinv_ij[1][2] - t24 * (t23 * t35 * t21 - t19 * (t25 * Vinv_ij[0][0] - t34 * Vinv_ij[2][0])) + t30 * Vinv_ij[1][1] - t31 * (t23 * t35 * t15 - t19 * (t25 * Vinv_ij[0][2] - t34 * Vinv_ij[2][2])) - t32 * (t23 * t35 * t29 - t19 * (t25 * Vinv_ij[0][1] - t34 * Vinv_ij[2][1])) + t33 * Vinv_ij[1][0];
t36 = (t14 * t27 * t13 + t16 * t34 * t26) * t20;
t34 = Vinv_ij[2][2] * t17 - t24 * (-t23 * t36 * t21 + t19 * (t27 * Vinv_ij[0][0] - t34 * Vinv_ij[1][0])) + t30 * Vinv_ij[2][1] - t31 * (-t23 * t36 * t15 + t19 * (t27 * Vinv_ij[0][2] - t34 * Vinv_ij[1][2])) - t32 * (-t23 * t36 * t29 + t19 * (t27 * Vinv_ij[0][1] - t34 * Vinv_ij[1][1])) + t33 * Vinv_ij[2][0];
t36 = (t16 * t9 * t26 + t18 * t8 * t28) * t20;
t36 = t24 * (-t23 * t36 * t21 - t19 * (-t8 * Vinv_ij[2][0] + t9 * Vinv_ij[1][0])) + t31 * (-t23 * t36 * t15 - t19 * (-t8 * Vinv_ij[2][2] + t9 * Vinv_ij[1][2])) + t32 * (-t23 * t36 * t29 - t19 * (-t8 * Vinv_ij[2][1] + t9 * Vinv_ij[1][1])) + t4 * Vinv_ij[0][0] + t5 * Vinv_ij[0][1] + t6 * Vinv_ij[0][2];
t37 = (t14 * t9 * t13 - t18 * t7 * t28) * t20;
t9 = t24 * (-t23 * t37 * t21 + t19 * (-t7 * Vinv_ij[2][0] + t9 * Vinv_ij[0][0])) + t31 * (-t15 * t23 * t37 + t19 * (-t7 * Vinv_ij[2][2] + t9 * Vinv_ij[0][2])) + t32 * (-t23 * t29 * t37 + t19 * (-t7 * Vinv_ij[2][1] + t9 * Vinv_ij[0][1])) + t4 * Vinv_ij[1][0] + t5 * Vinv_ij[1][1] + t6 * Vinv_ij[1][2];
t37 = (t14 * t8 * t13 + t16 * t7 * t26) * t20;
t4 = t24 * (t23 * t37 * t21 - t19 * (-t7 * Vinv_ij[1][0] + t8 * Vinv_ij[0][0])) + t31 * (t15 * t23 * t37 - t19 * (-t7 * Vinv_ij[1][2] + t8 * Vinv_ij[0][2])) + t32 * (t23 * t29 * t37 - t19 * (-t7 * Vinv_ij[1][1] + t8 * Vinv_ij[0][1])) + t4 * Vinv_ij[2][0] + t5 * Vinv_ij[2][1] + t6 * Vinv_ij[2][2];
t5 = (t16 * t3 * t26 + t18 * t2 * t28) * t20;
t5 = t10 * Vinv_ij[0][0] + t11 * Vinv_ij[0][1] + t12 * Vinv_ij[0][2] + t24 * (t21 * t23 * t5 + t19 * (-t2 * Vinv_ij[2][0] + t3 * Vinv_ij[1][0])) + t31 * (t15 * t23 * t5 + t19 * (-t2 * Vinv_ij[2][2] + t3 * Vinv_ij[1][2])) + t32 * (t23 * t29 * t5 + t19 * (-t2 * Vinv_ij[2][1] + t3 * Vinv_ij[1][1]));
t6 = (-t18 * t1 * t28 + t14 * t3 * t13) * t20;
t3 = t10 * Vinv_ij[1][0] + t11 * Vinv_ij[1][1] + t12 * Vinv_ij[1][2] + t24 * (t21 * t23 * t6 - t19 * (-t1 * Vinv_ij[2][0] + t3 * Vinv_ij[0][0])) + t31 * (t15 * t23 * t6 - t19 * (-t1 * Vinv_ij[2][2] + t3 * Vinv_ij[0][2])) + t32 * (t23 * t29 * t6 - t19 * (-t1 * Vinv_ij[2][1] + t3 * Vinv_ij[0][1]));
t6 = (t16 * t1 * t26 + t14 * t2 * t13) * t20;
t1 = t10 * Vinv_ij[2][0] + t11 * Vinv_ij[2][1] + t12 * Vinv_ij[2][2] + t24 * (-t21 * t23 * t6 + t19 * (-t1 * Vinv_ij[1][0] + t2 * Vinv_ij[0][0])) + t31 * (-t15 * t23 * t6 + t19 * (-t1 * Vinv_ij[1][2] + t2 * Vinv_ij[0][2])) + t32 * (-t23 * t29 * t6 + t19 * (-t1 * Vinv_ij[1][1] + t2 * Vinv_ij[0][1]));
t2 = 0.2e1;
gradE[0] = -t2 * (-t24 * (t23 * t22 * t21 + t19 * (t25 * Vinv_ij[1][0] - t27 * Vinv_ij[2][0])) + t33 * Vinv_ij[0][0] + t30 * Vinv_ij[0][1] + t17 * Vinv_ij[0][2] - t32 * (t23 * t22 * t29 + t19 * (t25 * Vinv_ij[1][1] - t27 * Vinv_ij[2][1])) - t31 * (t23 * t22 * t15 + t19 * (t25 * Vinv_ij[1][2] - t27 * Vinv_ij[2][2])));
gradE[1] = -t2 * t35;
gradE[2] = -t2 * t34;
gradE[3] = t2 * t36;
gradE[4] = t2 * t9;
gradE[5] = t2 * t4;
gradE[6] = t2 * t5;
gradE[7] = t2 * t3;
gradE[8] = t2 * t1;









hessE := Hessian(E, [v1n[1], v1n[2], v1n[3], v2n[1], v2n[2], v2n[3], v3n[1], v3n[2], v3n[3]])


9, 9



CodeGeneration[C](hessE, optimize = tryhard, deducetypes = false, resultname = 'hessE')

Error, (in Print) improper op or subscript selector













Hello experts,

I am trying to use solve to find a solution to a system of two equations. The two equations involved are quite complicated, and so sometimes Maple has difficulty with this. In particular, the solve command tries evaluating but never comes up with a solution (I've waited at least an hour, before giving up). 

I recently learned about fsolve, which gives approximate numeric solutions (which would be fine for my purposes), but fsolve too struggles with a solution and simply returns my input to me. I tried plotting the system of equations using plots:-implictplot to see if a solution existed, and as expected it does. I was hoping to get some tips on trying to solve a difficult system like this, perhaps given the knowledge that a solution definitely exists. Unfortunately, I need a solution for many variations of the same system, so simply reading off the approximate solution isn't really an option.

In my attatched code, the system with W = 49 is the first one where Maple really begins to struggle, and I believe that solutions for W>49 are also difficult.


Hello again, it's my first time using maple, so I have more problems :(

I need solve three equations, but maple shows an error:

Error, (in solve) a constant is invalid as a variable, gamma

I have used g instead of gamma and solve works, but I don't understand what happen.


The second problem is when I use g instead of gamma. In some tau values solve() doesn't show the solution. In each solve() always there are one unnecessary equation. Maybe could be that. But I don't know.


Thank you in advance!!!


P.S. Sorry for my bad English

 Hello! I'm trying to solve the following: 

pde1 := (y+z)*(diff(u(x, y, z), x))+(z+x)*(diff(u(x, y, z), y))+(x+y)*(diff(u(x, y, z), z)) = 0;

Unfortunately, after calling pdsolve , I get an empty result set . Can you help me figure out what's going on?  Does it  really have no solution? 






Hello, I have this:

I need save the three solutions in three different variables.

Thanks a lot!!!

I am using Maple to load well-behaved function data (512 points) and using ArrayInterpolation integrate it:

P:= r -> CurveFitting:-ArrayInterpolation(xydata, Array(1 .. 1, 1 .. 1, [r]), method = spline)[1];.

While the simple integral    int(P, 0 .. 100, numeric, digits = 4)    outputs a number, if I add another variable like   int(P*a, [r = 0 .. 1, a = 0 .. 1], numeric)    it just outputs      int(P*a, [r = 0 .. 1, a = 0 .. 1], numeric)  (obviously the integral is more complex but this just shows the principle).

int(P(r)*a, [r = 0 .. 1, a = 0 .. 1], numeric)  gives and error 'invalid input: coordinates of xvalues must be of type numeric'. Does anyone know the syntax to make this integral evaluate numerically?

I really wouldn't want to use   spline()  or interpolation()  because as far as I have tried they are really slow and incompatable respectively. Actual document below.

Much thanks in advance.

restart; with(LinearAlgebra); with(CurveFitting); with(Interpolation); with(plots)



data := Import("C:/Users/Ingvars/Desktop/data.csv", output = Matrix)



P := proc (r) options operator, arrow; CurveFitting:-ArrayInterpolation(`<|>`(Column(data, 1), `~`[`^`](Column(data, 15), 2)), Array(1 .. 1, 1 .. 1, [[r]]), method = spline)[1] end proc



display(plot(P, 0 .. 10), pointplot(Column(data, 1)[1 .. 450], `~`[`^`](Column(data, 15)[1 .. 450], 2), symbolsize = 2, color = red))



int(P, 0 .. 100, numeric, digits = 4)




"F_R(m,l,q):=2*int(P*sin(q r cos(theta))^(2)*sin(theta)*|(Y)[l]^(m)(theta,phi)|^(2),[theta=0..Pi,phi=0..2 Pi,r=0..100],numeric,digits=4):"NULL

"F_I(m,l,q):=int(P*sin(q r cos(theta))*sin(theta)*|(Y)[l]^(m)(theta,phi)|^(2),[theta=0..Pi,phi=0..2 Pi,r=0..100],numeric,digits=4):" 





evalf(F(1, 2, 1))

abs(-2.*(Int(Int(Int(P*sin(r*cos(theta))^2*sin(theta)*abs(SphericalY(2., 1., theta, phi))^2, theta = 0. .. 3.142), phi = 0. .. 6.284), r = 0. .. 100.))+(1.*I)*(Int(Int(Int(P*sin(r*cos(theta))*sin(theta)*abs(SphericalY(2., 1., theta, phi))^2, theta = 0. .. 3.142), phi = 0. .. 6.284), r = 0. .. 100.)))





Hi, when trying to solve 2 equations with 2 variables the fsolve function reutrns just expression instead of numerical solution. Can someone please help with this? Thanks a lot



a12:=2305.28444347652 - 9.14490843016421*T + 0.00680052257590234*T^2:

a21:=-6665.24838284836 + 46.0897018087247*T - 0.0694991633494123*T^2:














(1-xa1)^2*(.4966874722/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xa1)^2+.1510891213/(-0.464212743e-1*xa1+1)^2)+ln(xa1) = (1-xb1)^2*(.4966874722/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xb1)^2+.1510891213/(-0.464212743e-1*xb1+1)^2)+ln(xb1)



xa1^2*(.1440753718/(-0.464212743e-1*xa1+1)^2+1.219463331/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xa1)^2)+ln(1-xa1) = xb1^2*(.1440753718/(-0.464212743e-1*xb1+1)^2+1.219463331/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xb1)^2)+ln(1-xb1)



fsolve({xa1^2*(.1440753718/(-0.464212743e-1*xa1+1)^2+1.219463331/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xa1)^2)+ln(1-xa1) = xb1^2*(.1440753718/(-0.464212743e-1*xb1+1)^2+1.219463331/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xb1)^2)+ln(1-xb1), (1-xa1)^2*(.4966874722/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xa1)^2+.1510891213/(-0.464212743e-1*xa1+1)^2)+ln(xa1) = (1-xb1)^2*(.4966874722/(.4073000470+.5926999530*xb1)^2+.1510891213/(-0.464212743e-1*xb1+1)^2)+ln(xb1)}, {xa1, xb1})







I obtained a mode shape from a vibration problem.

I want to normalized mode shape for the comparison of responses corresponding to different modes.

How I can normalize the mode shape that provided in the maple file?

The figure corresponds to this mode shape is plotted that is attached.



a := Vector(325, {(1) = 0, (2) = 0., (3) = 0., (4) = 0.1e-3, (5) = 0.1e-3, (6) = 0.2e-3, (7) = 0.4e-3, (8) = 0.7e-3, (9) = 0.10e-2, (10) = 0.16e-2, (11) = 0.23e-2, (12) = 0.33e-2, (13) = 0.44e-2, (14) = 0.65e-2, (15) = 0.89e-2, (16) = 0.114e-1, (17) = 0.139e-1, (18) = 0.162e-1, (19) = 0.178e-1, (20) = 0.186e-1, (21) = 0.183e-1, (22) = 0.171e-1, (23) = 0.150e-1, (24) = 0.120e-1, (25) = 0.85e-2, (26) = 0.51e-2, (27) = 0.16e-2, (28) = -0.19e-2, (29) = -0.51e-2, (30) = -0.79e-2, (31) = -0.103e-1, (32) = -0.120e-1, (33) = -0.132e-1, (34) = -0.138e-1, (35) = -0.136e-1, (36) = -0.129e-1, (37) = -0.118e-1, (38) = -0.106e-1, (39) = -0.94e-2, (40) = -0.83e-2, (41) = -0.75e-2, (42) = -0.71e-2, (43) = -0.69e-2, (44) = -0.71e-2, (45) = -0.75e-2, (46) = -0.79e-2, (47) = -0.83e-2, (48) = -0.84e-2, (49) = -0.81e-2, (50) = -0.73e-2, (51) = -0.60e-2, (52) = -0.43e-2, (53) = -0.20e-2, (54) = 0.11e-2, (55) = 0.46e-2, (56) = 0.82e-2, (57) = 0.117e-1, (58) = 0.149e-1, (59) = 0.174e-1, (60) = 0.191e-1, (61) = 0.200e-1, (62) = 0.198e-1, (63) = 0.187e-1, (64) = 0.167e-1, (65) = 0.139e-1, (66) = 0.103e-1, (67) = 0.65e-2, (68) = 0.28e-2, (69) = -0.5e-3, (70) = -0.27e-2, (71) = -0.45e-2, (72) = -0.56e-2, (73) = -0.62e-2, (74) = -0.64e-2, (75) = -0.64e-2, (76) = -0.62e-2, (77) = -0.60e-2, (78) = -0.58e-2, (79) = -0.57e-2, (80) = -0.59e-2, (81) = -0.62e-2, (82) = -0.69e-2, (83) = -0.78e-2, (84) = -0.90e-2, (85) = -0.103e-1, (86) = -0.122e-1, (87) = -0.138e-1, (88) = -0.150e-1, (89) = -0.153e-1, (90) = -0.147e-1, (91) = -0.133e-1, (92) = -0.111e-1, (93) = -0.82e-2, (94) = -0.49e-2, (95) = -0.13e-2, (96) = 0.25e-2, (97) = 0.62e-2, (98) = 0.96e-2, (99) = 0.126e-1, (100) = 0.150e-1, (101) = 0.167e-1, (102) = 0.176e-1, (103) = 0.176e-1, (104) = 0.169e-1, (105) = 0.155e-1, (106) = 0.135e-1, (107) = 0.112e-1, (108) = 0.89e-2, (109) = 0.68e-2, (110) = 0.50e-2, (111) = 0.37e-2, (112) = 0.28e-2, (113) = 0.23e-2, (114) = 0.22e-2, (115) = 0.21e-2, (116) = 0.22e-2, (117) = 0.22e-2, (118) = 0.21e-2, (119) = 0.19e-2, (120) = 0.15e-2, (121) = 0.8e-3, (122) = -0., (123) = -0.11e-2, (124) = -0.25e-2, (125) = -0.40e-2, (126) = -0.68e-2, (127) = -0.97e-2, (128) = -0.127e-1, (129) = -0.154e-1, (130) = -0.175e-1, (131) = -0.189e-1, (132) = -0.193e-1, (133) = -0.187e-1, (134) = -0.171e-1, (135) = -0.146e-1, (136) = -0.113e-1, (137) = -0.76e-2, (138) = -0.42e-2, (139) = -0.9e-3, (140) = 0.23e-2, (141) = 0.52e-2, (142) = 0.76e-2, (143) = 0.96e-2, (144) = 0.110e-1, (145) = 0.118e-1, (146) = 0.121e-1, (147) = 0.118e-1, (148) = 0.110e-1, (149) = 0.100e-1, (150) = 0.91e-2, (151) = 0.84e-2, (152) = 0.78e-2, (153) = 0.75e-2, (154) = 0.76e-2, (155) = 0.79e-2, (156) = 0.85e-2, (157) = 0.92e-2, (158) = 0.98e-2, (159) = 0.103e-1, (160) = 0.103e-1, (161) = 0.98e-2, (162) = 0.88e-2, (163) = 0.72e-2, (164) = 0.51e-2, (165) = 0.24e-2, (166) = -0.15e-2, (167) = -0.57e-2, (168) = -0.99e-2, (169) = -0.137e-1, (170) = -0.164e-1, (171) = -0.184e-1, (172) = -0.196e-1, (173) = -0.197e-1, (174) = -0.189e-1, (175) = -0.171e-1, (176) = -0.146e-1, (177) = -0.115e-1, (178) = -0.81e-2, (179) = -0.47e-2, (180) = -0.16e-2, (181) = 0.8e-3, (182) = 0.24e-2, (183) = 0.34e-2, (184) = 0.40e-2, (185) = 0.43e-2, (186) = 0.43e-2, (187) = 0.42e-2, (188) = 0.41e-2, (189) = 0.41e-2, (190) = 0.43e-2, (191) = 0.47e-2, (192) = 0.53e-2, (193) = 0.62e-2, (194) = 0.76e-2, (195) = 0.92e-2, (196) = 0.109e-1, (197) = 0.127e-1, (198) = 0.146e-1, (199) = 0.160e-1, (200) = 0.166e-1, (201) = 0.162e-1, (202) = 0.149e-1, (203) = 0.128e-1, (204) = 0.99e-2, (205) = 0.65e-2, (206) = 0.28e-2, (207) = -0.10e-2, (208) = -0.47e-2, (209) = -0.82e-2, (210) = -0.112e-1, (211) = -0.137e-1, (212) = -0.154e-1, (213) = -0.164e-1, (214) = -0.166e-1, (215) = -0.159e-1, (216) = -0.147e-1, (217) = -0.129e-1, (218) = -0.110e-1, (219) = -0.90e-2, (220) = -0.73e-2, (221) = -0.59e-2, (222) = -0.49e-2, (223) = -0.44e-2, (224) = -0.41e-2, (225) = -0.41e-2, (226) = -0.42e-2, (227) = -0.43e-2, (228) = -0.43e-2, (229) = -0.41e-2, (230) = -0.36e-2, (231) = -0.29e-2, (232) = -0.18e-2, (233) = -0.3e-3, (234) = 0.16e-2, (235) = 0.38e-2, (236) = 0.62e-2, (237) = 0.88e-2, (238) = 0.121e-1, (239) = 0.151e-1, (240) = 0.175e-1, (241) = 0.192e-1, (242) = 0.198e-1, (243) = 0.194e-1, (244) = 0.181e-1, (245) = 0.159e-1, (246) = 0.122e-1, (247) = 0.80e-2, (248) = 0.34e-2, (249) = -0.9e-3, (250) = -0.41e-2, (251) = -0.68e-2, (252) = -0.87e-2, (253) = -0.98e-2, (254) = -0.103e-1, (255) = -0.103e-1, (256) = -0.98e-2, (257) = -0.92e-2, (258) = -0.86e-2, (259) = -0.80e-2, (260) = -0.76e-2, (261) = -0.75e-2, (262) = -0.77e-2, (263) = -0.82e-2, (264) = -0.89e-2, (265) = -0.98e-2, (266) = -0.109e-1, (267) = -0.117e-1, (268) = -0.121e-1, (269) = -0.119e-1, (270) = -0.111e-1, (271) = -0.96e-2, (272) = -0.74e-2, (273) = -0.46e-2, (274) = -0.7e-3, (275) = 0.36e-2, (276) = 0.80e-2, (277) = 0.121e-1, (278) = 0.150e-1, (279) = 0.173e-1, (280) = 0.188e-1, (281) = 0.193e-1, (282) = 0.189e-1, (283) = 0.176e-1, (284) = 0.155e-1, (285) = 0.128e-1, (286) = 0.98e-2, (287) = 0.67e-2, (288) = 0.38e-2, (289) = 0.15e-2, (290) = -0.1e-3, (291) = -0.12e-2, (292) = -0.18e-2, (293) = -0.21e-2, (294) = -0.22e-2, (295) = -0.22e-2, (296) = -0.21e-2, (297) = -0.22e-2, (298) = -0.24e-2, (299) = -0.27e-2, (300) = -0.33e-2, (301) = -0.42e-2, (302) = -0.54e-2, (303) = -0.68e-2, (304) = -0.85e-2, (305) = -0.103e-1, (306) = -0.130e-1, (307) = -0.154e-1, (308) = -0.170e-1, (309) = -0.177e-1, (310) = -0.173e-1, (311) = -0.160e-1, (312) = -0.138e-1, (313) = -0.108e-1, (314) = -0.75e-2, (315) = -0.38e-2, (316) = -0., (317) = 0.37e-2, (318) = 0.71e-2, (319) = 0.101e-1, (320) = 0.124e-1, (321) = 0.141e-1, (322) = 0.149e-1, (323) = 0.152e-1, (324) = 0.152e-1, (325) = 0.149e-1})




t := Vector(325, {(1) = 0, (2) = 0.67e-2, (3) = 0.134e-1, (4) = 0.202e-1, (5) = 0.269e-1, (6) = 0.336e-1, (7) = 0.403e-1, (8) = 0.471e-1, (9) = 0.538e-1, (10) = 0.637e-1, (11) = 0.736e-1, (12) = 0.836e-1, (13) = 0.935e-1, (14) = .1098, (15) = .1261, (16) = .1424, (17) = .1586, (18) = .1764, (19) = .1943, (20) = .2121, (21) = .2299, (22) = .2465, (23) = .2632, (24) = .2798, (25) = .2965, (26) = .3109, (27) = .3253, (28) = .3397, (29) = .3542, (30) = .3686, (31) = .3830, (32) = .3974, (33) = .4118, (34) = .4284, (35) = .4450, (36) = .4615, (37) = .4781, (38) = .4938, (39) = .5095, (40) = .5253, (41) = .5410, (42) = .5567, (43) = .5724, (44) = .5882, (45) = .6039, (46) = .6204, (47) = .6368, (48) = .6533, (49) = .6697, (50) = .6843, (51) = .6989, (52) = .7135, (53) = .7281, (54) = .7448, (55) = .7615, (56) = .7781, (57) = .7948, (58) = .8113, (59) = .8278, (60) = .8442, (61) = .8607, (62) = .8775, (63) = .8943, (64) = .9112, (65) = .9280, (66) = .9468, (67) = .9655, (68) = .9843, (69) = 1.0031, (70) = 1.0190, (71) = 1.0348, (72) = 1.0507, (73) = 1.0665, (74) = 1.0794, (75) = 1.0924, (76) = 1.1053, (77) = 1.1183, (78) = 1.1312, (79) = 1.1442, (80) = 1.1571, (81) = 1.1700, (82) = 1.1842, (83) = 1.1984, (84) = 1.2126, (85) = 1.2268, (86) = 1.2459, (87) = 1.2651, (88) = 1.2842, (89) = 1.3034, (90) = 1.3198, (91) = 1.3362, (92) = 1.3527, (93) = 1.3691, (94) = 1.3844, (95) = 1.3996, (96) = 1.4149, (97) = 1.4302, (98) = 1.4454, (99) = 1.4607, (100) = 1.4760, (101) = 1.4913, (102) = 1.5075, (103) = 1.5238, (104) = 1.5400, (105) = 1.5563, (106) = 1.5733, (107) = 1.5904, (108) = 1.6075, (109) = 1.6246, (110) = 1.6410, (111) = 1.6574, (112) = 1.6739, (113) = 1.6903, (114) = 1.7021, (115) = 1.7140, (116) = 1.7258, (117) = 1.7377, (118) = 1.7495, (119) = 1.7614, (120) = 1.7732, (121) = 1.7851, (122) = 1.7964, (123) = 1.8076, (124) = 1.8189, (125) = 1.8302, (126) = 1.8475, (127) = 1.8649, (128) = 1.8822, (129) = 1.8995, (130) = 1.9168, (131) = 1.9341, (132) = 1.9514, (133) = 1.9687, (134) = 1.9856, (135) = 2.0026, (136) = 2.0195, (137) = 2.0365, (138) = 2.0507, (139) = 2.0649, (140) = 2.0791, (141) = 2.0933, (142) = 2.1075, (143) = 2.1217, (144) = 2.1359, (145) = 2.1501, (146) = 2.1674, (147) = 2.1846, (148) = 2.2018, (149) = 2.2191, (150) = 2.2341, (151) = 2.2492, (152) = 2.2643, (153) = 2.2793, (154) = 2.2949, (155) = 2.3105, (156) = 2.3261, (157) = 2.3417, (158) = 2.3576, (159) = 2.3735, (160) = 2.3895, (161) = 2.4054, (162) = 2.4203, (163) = 2.4353, (164) = 2.4503, (165) = 2.4653, (166) = 2.4839, (167) = 2.5025, (168) = 2.5211, (169) = 2.5397, (170) = 2.5561, (171) = 2.5725, (172) = 2.5888, (173) = 2.6052, (174) = 2.6226, (175) = 2.6399, (176) = 2.6572, (177) = 2.6746, (178) = 2.6930, (179) = 2.7114, (180) = 2.7297, (181) = 2.7481, (182) = 2.7634, (183) = 2.7787, (184) = 2.7940, (185) = 2.8094, (186) = 2.8226, (187) = 2.8358, (188) = 2.8490, (189) = 2.8622, (190) = 2.8755, (191) = 2.8887, (192) = 2.9019, (193) = 2.9151, (194) = 2.9302, (195) = 2.9453, (196) = 2.9604, (197) = 2.9755, (198) = 2.9940, (199) = 3.0126, (200) = 3.0311, (201) = 3.0496, (202) = 3.0659, (203) = 3.0822, (204) = 3.0985, (205) = 3.1149, (206) = 3.1302, (207) = 3.1455, (208) = 3.1609, (209) = 3.1762, (210) = 3.1915, (211) = 3.2069, (212) = 3.2222, (213) = 3.2375, (214) = 3.2545, (215) = 3.2715, (216) = 3.2885, (217) = 3.3055, (218) = 3.3223, (219) = 3.3391, (220) = 3.3560, (221) = 3.3728, (222) = 3.3888, (223) = 3.4047, (224) = 3.4206, (225) = 3.4365, (226) = 3.4494, (227) = 3.4622, (228) = 3.4750, (229) = 3.4879, (230) = 3.5007, (231) = 3.5136, (232) = 3.5264, (233) = 3.5392, (234) = 3.5529, (235) = 3.5667, (236) = 3.5804, (237) = 3.5941, (238) = 3.6116, (239) = 3.6292, (240) = 3.6468, (241) = 3.6644, (242) = 3.6810, (243) = 3.6976, (244) = 3.7143, (245) = 3.7309, (246) = 3.7508, (247) = 3.7707, (248) = 3.7905, (249) = 3.8104, (250) = 3.8273, (251) = 3.8442, (252) = 3.8610, (253) = 3.8779, (254) = 3.8938, (255) = 3.9096, (256) = 3.9255, (257) = 3.9414, (258) = 3.9559, (259) = 3.9705, (260) = 3.9851, (261) = 3.9997, (262) = 4.0149, (263) = 4.0301, (264) = 4.0452, (265) = 4.0604, (266) = 4.0779, (267) = 4.0953, (268) = 4.1128, (269) = 4.1302, (270) = 4.1459, (271) = 4.1615, (272) = 4.1771, (273) = 4.1927, (274) = 4.2114, (275) = 4.2300, (276) = 4.2486, (277) = 4.2673, (278) = 4.2833, (279) = 4.2993, (280) = 4.3153, (281) = 4.3313, (282) = 4.3485, (283) = 4.3657, (284) = 4.3829, (285) = 4.4001, (286) = 4.4182, (287) = 4.4362, (288) = 4.4543, (289) = 4.4724, (290) = 4.4881, (291) = 4.5037, (292) = 4.5194, (293) = 4.5351, (294) = 4.5472, (295) = 4.5593, (296) = 4.5715, (297) = 4.5836, (298) = 4.5957, (299) = 4.6079, (300) = 4.6200, (301) = 4.6321, (302) = 4.6456, (303) = 4.6591, (304) = 4.6726, (305) = 4.6861, (306) = 4.7059, (307) = 4.7256, (308) = 4.7454, (309) = 4.7652, (310) = 4.7819, (311) = 4.7986, (312) = 4.8153, (313) = 4.8320, (314) = 4.8474, (315) = 4.8627, (316) = 4.8781, (317) = 4.8935, (318) = 4.9088, (319) = 4.9242, (320) = 4.9396, (321) = 4.9550, (322) = 4.9662, (323) = 4.9775, (324) = 4.9887, (325) = 5.0000})







a := Vector(325, {(1) = 0, (2) = 0., (3) = 0., (4) = 0.1e-3, (5) = 0.1e-3, (6) = 0.2e-3, (7) = 0.4e-3, (8) = 0.7e-3, (9) = 0.10e-2, (10) = 0.16e-2, (11) = 0.23e-2, (12) = 0.33e-2, (13) = 0.44e-2, (14) = 0.65e-2, (15) = 0.89e-2, (16) = 0.114e-1, (17) = 0.139e-1, (18) = 0.162e-1, (19) = 0.178e-1, (20) = 0.186e-1, (21) = 0.183e-1, (22) = 0.171e-1, (23) = 0.150e-1, (24) = 0.120e-1, (25) = 0.85e-2, (26) = 0.51e-2, (27) = 0.16e-2, (28) = -0.19e-2, (29) = -0.51e-2, (30) = -0.79e-2, (31) = -0.103e-1, (32) = -0.120e-1, (33) = -0.132e-1, (34) = -0.138e-1, (35) = -0.136e-1, (36) = -0.129e-1, (37) = -0.118e-1, (38) = -0.106e-1, (39) = -0.94e-2, (40) = -0.83e-2, (41) = -0.75e-2, (42) = -0.71e-2, (43) = -0.69e-2, (44) = -0.71e-2, (45) = -0.75e-2, (46) = -0.79e-2, (47) = -0.83e-2, (48) = -0.84e-2, (49) = -0.81e-2, (50) = -0.73e-2, (51) = -0.60e-2, (52) = -0.43e-2, (53) = -0.20e-2, (54) = 0.11e-2, (55) = 0.46e-2, (56) = 0.82e-2, (57) = 0.117e-1, (58) = 0.149e-1, (59) = 0.174e-1, (60) = 0.191e-1, (61) = 0.200e-1, (62) = 0.198e-1, (63) = 0.187e-1, (64) = 0.167e-1, (65) = 0.139e-1, (66) = 0.103e-1, (67) = 0.65e-2, (68) = 0.28e-2, (69) = -0.5e-3, (70) = -0.27e-2, (71) = -0.45e-2, (72) = -0.56e-2, (73) = -0.62e-2, (74) = -0.64e-2, (75) = -0.64e-2, (76) = -0.62e-2, (77) = -0.60e-2, (78) = -0.58e-2, (79) = -0.57e-2, (80) = -0.59e-2, (81) = -0.62e-2, (82) = -0.69e-2, (83) = -0.78e-2, (84) = -0.90e-2, (85) = -0.103e-1, (86) = -0.122e-1, (87) = -0.138e-1, (88) = -0.150e-1, (89) = -0.153e-1, (90) = -0.147e-1, (91) = -0.133e-1, (92) = -0.111e-1, (93) = -0.82e-2, (94) = -0.49e-2, (95) = -0.13e-2, (96) = 0.25e-2, (97) = 0.62e-2, (98) = 0.96e-2, (99) = 0.126e-1, (100) = 0.150e-1, (101) = 0.167e-1, (102) = 0.176e-1, (103) = 0.176e-1, (104) = 0.169e-1, (105) = 0.155e-1, (106) = 0.135e-1, (107) = 0.112e-1, (108) = 0.89e-2, (109) = 0.68e-2, (110) = 0.50e-2, (111) = 0.37e-2, (112) = 0.28e-2, (113) = 0.23e-2, (114) = 0.22e-2, (115) = 0.21e-2, (116) = 0.22e-2, (117) = 0.22e-2, (118) = 0.21e-2, (119) = 0.19e-2, (120) = 0.15e-2, (121) = 0.8e-3, (122) = -0., (123) = -0.11e-2, (124) = -0.25e-2, (125) = -0.40e-2, (126) = -0.68e-2, (127) = -0.97e-2, (128) = -0.127e-1, (129) = -0.154e-1, (130) = -0.175e-1, (131) = -0.189e-1, (132) = -0.193e-1, (133) = -0.187e-1, (134) = -0.171e-1, (135) = -0.146e-1, (136) = -0.113e-1, (137) = -0.76e-2, (138) = -0.42e-2, (139) = -0.9e-3, (140) = 0.23e-2, (141) = 0.52e-2, (142) = 0.76e-2, (143) = 0.96e-2, (144) = 0.110e-1, (145) = 0.118e-1, (146) = 0.121e-1, (147) = 0.118e-1, (148) = 0.110e-1, (149) = 0.100e-1, (150) = 0.91e-2, (151) = 0.84e-2, (152) = 0.78e-2, (153) = 0.75e-2, (154) = 0.76e-2, (155) = 0.79e-2, (156) = 0.85e-2, (157) = 0.92e-2, (158) = 0.98e-2, (159) = 0.103e-1, (160) = 0.103e-1, (161) = 0.98e-2, (162) = 0.88e-2, (163) = 0.72e-2, (164) = 0.51e-2, (165) = 0.24e-2, (166) = -0.15e-2, (167) = -0.57e-2, (168) = -0.99e-2, (169) = -0.137e-1, (170) = -0.164e-1, (171) = -0.184e-1, (172) = -0.196e-1, (173) = -0.197e-1, (174) = -0.189e-1, (175) = -0.171e-1, (176) = -0.146e-1, (177) = -0.115e-1, (178) = -0.81e-2, (179) = -0.47e-2, (180) = -0.16e-2, (181) = 0.8e-3, (182) = 0.24e-2, (183) = 0.34e-2, (184) = 0.40e-2, (185) = 0.43e-2, (186) = 0.43e-2, (187) = 0.42e-2, (188) = 0.41e-2, (189) = 0.41e-2, (190) = 0.43e-2, (191) = 0.47e-2, (192) = 0.53e-2, (193) = 0.62e-2, (194) = 0.76e-2, (195) = 0.92e-2, (196) = 0.109e-1, (197) = 0.127e-1, (198) = 0.146e-1, (199) = 0.160e-1, (200) = 0.166e-1, (201) = 0.162e-1, (202) = 0.149e-1, (203) = 0.128e-1, (204) = 0.99e-2, (205) = 0.65e-2, (206) = 0.28e-2, (207) = -0.10e-2, (208) = -0.47e-2, (209) = -0.82e-2, (210) = -0.112e-1, (211) = -0.137e-1, (212) = -0.154e-1, (213) = -0.164e-1, (214) = -0.166e-1, (215) = -0.159e-1, (216) = -0.147e-1, (217) = -0.129e-1, (218) = -0.110e-1, (219) = -0.90e-2, (220) = -0.73e-2, (221) = -0.59e-2, (222) = -0.49e-2, (223) = -0.44e-2, (224) = -0.41e-2, (225) = -0.41e-2, (226) = -0.42e-2, (227) = -0.43e-2, (228) = -0.43e-2, (229) = -0.41e-2, (230) = -0.36e-2, (231) = -0.29e-2, (232) = -0.18e-2, (233) = -0.3e-3, (234) = 0.16e-2, (235) = 0.38e-2, (236) = 0.62e-2, (237) = 0.88e-2, (238) = 0.121e-1, (239) = 0.151e-1, (240) = 0.175e-1, (241) = 0.192e-1, (242) = 0.198e-1, (243) = 0.194e-1, (244) = 0.181e-1, (245) = 0.159e-1, (246) = 0.122e-1, (247) = 0.80e-2, (248) = 0.34e-2, (249) = -0.9e-3, (250) = -0.41e-2, (251) = -0.68e-2, (252) = -0.87e-2, (253) = -0.98e-2, (254) = -0.103e-1, (255) = -0.103e-1, (256) = -0.98e-2, (257) = -0.92e-2, (258) = -0.86e-2, (259) = -0.80e-2, (260) = -0.76e-2, (261) = -0.75e-2, (262) = -0.77e-2, (263) = -0.82e-2, (264) = -0.89e-2, (265) = -0.98e-2, (266) = -0.109e-1, (267) = -0.117e-1, (268) = -0.121e-1, (269) = -0.119e-1, (270) = -0.111e-1, (271) = -0.96e-2, (272) = -0.74e-2, (273) = -0.46e-2, (274) = -0.7e-3, (275) = 0.36e-2, (276) = 0.80e-2, (277) = 0.121e-1, (278) = 0.150e-1, (279) = 0.173e-1, (280) = 0.188e-1, (281) = 0.193e-1, (282) = 0.189e-1, (283) = 0.176e-1, (284) = 0.155e-1, (285) = 0.128e-1, (286) = 0.98e-2, (287) = 0.67e-2, (288) = 0.38e-2, (289) = 0.15e-2, (290) = -0.1e-3, (291) = -0.12e-2, (292) = -0.18e-2, (293) = -0.21e-2, (294) = -0.22e-2, (295) = -0.22e-2, (296) = -0.21e-2, (297) = -0.22e-2, (298) = -0.24e-2, (299) = -0.27e-2, (300) = -0.33e-2, (301) = -0.42e-2, (302) = -0.54e-2, (303) = -0.68e-2, (304) = -0.85e-2, (305) = -0.103e-1, (306) = -0.130e-1, (307) = -0.154e-1, (308) = -0.170e-1, (309) = -0.177e-1, (310) = -0.173e-1, (311) = -0.160e-1, (312) = -0.138e-1, (313) = -0.108e-1, (314) = -0.75e-2, (315) = -0.38e-2, (316) = -0., (317) = 0.37e-2, (318) = 0.71e-2, (319) = 0.101e-1, (320) = 0.124e-1, (321) = 0.141e-1, (322) = 0.149e-1, (323) = 0.152e-1, (324) = 0.152e-1, (325) = 0.149e-1})




t := Vector(325, {(1) = 0, (2) = 0.67e-2, (3) = 0.134e-1, (4) = 0.202e-1, (5) = 0.269e-1, (6) = 0.336e-1, (7) = 0.403e-1, (8) = 0.471e-1, (9) = 0.538e-1, (10) = 0.637e-1, (11) = 0.736e-1, (12) = 0.836e-1, (13) = 0.935e-1, (14) = .1098, (15) = .1261, (16) = .1424, (17) = .1586, (18) = .1764, (19) = .1943, (20) = .2121, (21) = .2299, (22) = .2465, (23) = .2632, (24) = .2798, (25) = .2965, (26) = .3109, (27) = .3253, (28) = .3397, (29) = .3542, (30) = .3686, (31) = .3830, (32) = .3974, (33) = .4118, (34) = .4284, (35) = .4450, (36) = .4615, (37) = .4781, (38) = .4938, (39) = .5095, (40) = .5253, (41) = .5410, (42) = .5567, (43) = .5724, (44) = .5882, (45) = .6039, (46) = .6204, (47) = .6368, (48) = .6533, (49) = .6697, (50) = .6843, (51) = .6989, (52) = .7135, (53) = .7281, (54) = .7448, (55) = .7615, (56) = .7781, (57) = .7948, (58) = .8113, (59) = .8278, (60) = .8442, (61) = .8607, (62) = .8775, (63) = .8943, (64) = .9112, (65) = .9280, (66) = .9468, (67) = .9655, (68) = .9843, (69) = 1.0031, (70) = 1.0190, (71) = 1.0348, (72) = 1.0507, (73) = 1.0665, (74) = 1.0794, (75) = 1.0924, (76) = 1.1053, (77) = 1.1183, (78) = 1.1312, (79) = 1.1442, (80) = 1.1571, (81) = 1.1700, (82) = 1.1842, (83) = 1.1984, (84) = 1.2126, (85) = 1.2268, (86) = 1.2459, (87) = 1.2651, (88) = 1.2842, (89) = 1.3034, (90) = 1.3198, (91) = 1.3362, (92) = 1.3527, (93) = 1.3691, (94) = 1.3844, (95) = 1.3996, (96) = 1.4149, (97) = 1.4302, (98) = 1.4454, (99) = 1.4607, (100) = 1.4760, (101) = 1.4913, (102) = 1.5075, (103) = 1.5238, (104) = 1.5400, (105) = 1.5563, (106) = 1.5733, (107) = 1.5904, (108) = 1.6075, (109) = 1.6246, (110) = 1.6410, (111) = 1.6574, (112) = 1.6739, (113) = 1.6903, (114) = 1.7021, (115) = 1.7140, (116) = 1.7258, (117) = 1.7377, (118) = 1.7495, (119) = 1.7614, (120) = 1.7732, (121) = 1.7851, (122) = 1.7964, (123) = 1.8076, (124) = 1.8189, (125) = 1.8302, (126) = 1.8475, (127) = 1.8649, (128) = 1.8822, (129) = 1.8995, (130) = 1.9168, (131) = 1.9341, (132) = 1.9514, (133) = 1.9687, (134) = 1.9856, (135) = 2.0026, (136) = 2.0195, (137) = 2.0365, (138) = 2.0507, (139) = 2.0649, (140) = 2.0791, (141) = 2.0933, (142) = 2.1075, (143) = 2.1217, (144) = 2.1359, (145) = 2.1501, (146) = 2.1674, (147) = 2.1846, (148) = 2.2018, (149) = 2.2191, (150) = 2.2341, (151) = 2.2492, (152) = 2.2643, (153) = 2.2793, (154) = 2.2949, (155) = 2.3105, (156) = 2.3261, (157) = 2.3417, (158) = 2.3576, (159) = 2.3735, (160) = 2.3895, (161) = 2.4054, (162) = 2.4203, (163) = 2.4353, (164) = 2.4503, (165) = 2.4653, (166) = 2.4839, (167) = 2.5025, (168) = 2.5211, (169) = 2.5397, (170) = 2.5561, (171) = 2.5725, (172) = 2.5888, (173) = 2.6052, (174) = 2.6226, (175) = 2.6399, (176) = 2.6572, (177) = 2.6746, (178) = 2.6930, (179) = 2.7114, (180) = 2.7297, (181) = 2.7481, (182) = 2.7634, (183) = 2.7787, (184) = 2.7940, (185) = 2.8094, (186) = 2.8226, (187) = 2.8358, (188) = 2.8490, (189) = 2.8622, (190) = 2.8755, (191) = 2.8887, (192) = 2.9019, (193) = 2.9151, (194) = 2.9302, (195) = 2.9453, (196) = 2.9604, (197) = 2.9755, (198) = 2.9940, (199) = 3.0126, (200) = 3.0311, (201) = 3.0496, (202) = 3.0659, (203) = 3.0822, (204) = 3.0985, (205) = 3.1149, (206) = 3.1302, (207) = 3.1455, (208) = 3.1609, (209) = 3.1762, (210) = 3.1915, (211) = 3.2069, (212) = 3.2222, (213) = 3.2375, (214) = 3.2545, (215) = 3.2715, (216) = 3.2885, (217) = 3.3055, (218) = 3.3223, (219) = 3.3391, (220) = 3.3560, (221) = 3.3728, (222) = 3.3888, (223) = 3.4047, (224) = 3.4206, (225) = 3.4365, (226) = 3.4494, (227) = 3.4622, (228) = 3.4750, (229) = 3.4879, (230) = 3.5007, (231) = 3.5136, (232) = 3.5264, (233) = 3.5392, (234) = 3.5529, (235) = 3.5667, (236) = 3.5804, (237) = 3.5941, (238) = 3.6116, (239) = 3.6292, (240) = 3.6468, (241) = 3.6644, (242) = 3.6810, (243) = 3.6976, (244) = 3.7143, (245) = 3.7309, (246) = 3.7508, (247) = 3.7707, (248) = 3.7905, (249) = 3.8104, (250) = 3.8273, (251) = 3.8442, (252) = 3.8610, (253) = 3.8779, (254) = 3.8938, (255) = 3.9096, (256) = 3.9255, (257) = 3.9414, (258) = 3.9559, (259) = 3.9705, (260) = 3.9851, (261) = 3.9997, (262) = 4.0149, (263) = 4.0301, (264) = 4.0452, (265) = 4.0604, (266) = 4.0779, (267) = 4.0953, (268) = 4.1128, (269) = 4.1302, (270) = 4.1459, (271) = 4.1615, (272) = 4.1771, (273) = 4.1927, (274) = 4.2114, (275) = 4.2300, (276) = 4.2486, (277) = 4.2673, (278) = 4.2833, (279) = 4.2993, (280) = 4.3153, (281) = 4.3313, (282) = 4.3485, (283) = 4.3657, (284) = 4.3829, (285) = 4.4001, (286) = 4.4182, (287) = 4.4362, (288) = 4.4543, (289) = 4.4724, (290) = 4.4881, (291) = 4.5037, (292) = 4.5194, (293) = 4.5351, (294) = 4.5472, (295) = 4.5593, (296) = 4.5715, (297) = 4.5836, (298) = 4.5957, (299) = 4.6079, (300) = 4.6200, (301) = 4.6321, (302) = 4.6456, (303) = 4.6591, (304) = 4.6726, (305) = 4.6861, (306) = 4.7059, (307) = 4.7256, (308) = 4.7454, (309) = 4.7652, (310) = 4.7819, (311) = 4.7986, (312) = 4.8153, (313) = 4.8320, (314) = 4.8474, (315) = 4.8627, (316) = 4.8781, (317) = 4.8935, (318) = 4.9088, (319) = 4.9242, (320) = 4.9396, (321) = 4.9550, (322) = 4.9662, (323) = 4.9775, (324) = 4.9887, (325) = 5.0000})






Hi guys, Maple always shows the same result when I use sqrt() function

How can I fix it? Thanks


This is a simple model of the covid infection as it applies here, down under, without the use of any de's like

I'm told a substantial number of people do recover within 45 days ....
So on the 45th day 1 person has recovered, on day 50 two people have recovered and so on.

Just want to know how to write this sequence...

First 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Last Page 21 of 45