Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
Simple question: I can't seem to use a negative number as a minimum value for a slider control (in Maplet Builder)... Is this not possible? Thanks! Bryan

Create new document (or worksheet) with content below and execute it step by step: > restart; > Eval(diff(v(z),z),z=H)==eval(diff(v(z),z),z=H); Eval(diff(v(z),z),z=H)=diff(v(H),H) > v:=z->z*H; v:=z->z*H > value((1)); H=2H As you can see, result of eval, which in this case is equivalent to subs(z=H,diff(v(z),z)), at the right side of first equation leads to wrong final result :( This...

can i use maple to solve 15 nonlinear equations in 15 unknowns in the following form: T1^2 + 5(T1T2) + 6(T1T3)+ 8 (T1T4) + 7 (T1T5) + ....... -5 (T1T15) = 0 T2^2 + 3(T2T1) + 6(T2T3) -3 (T2T4) + 5 (T2T5) + ....... -3 (T2T15) - (T1T3) = 0 where T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + ... + T15 =1
does somebody know how to tell maple to produce "a nicer" latex output? For example in workspace I get a nice fraction > y:=1/(1-x); y:=1/(1-x); but the latex command returns > latex(y); \left( 1-x \right) ^{-1} I would like it to be something like \frac{1}{1-x}. My idea is that if maple knows how to print this as a fraction in the workspace, then the latex command could also behave like that. Any idea? Thanks in advance Jan
The Maple User Group mailing list was once the main forum for asking questions and discussing Maple. Eventually the comp.soft-sys.math.maple newsgroup was proposed and the MUG list faded away. Some answers to specific questions are archived here, and all messages from 1998-2003 are available as digests.
I am looking for the JavaDoc of com.maplesoft.openmaple.* -- is it available somewhere? It looks like the API allows me to do DAG-based calls to Maple, but parts of that API appear undocumented :-( I am working with some people in Ireland who would prefer to pass Maple DAGs rather than strings, and it sure looks like the API allows it, but it isn't fully documented. Help!
Dear all: To point: It is possible to build a variable where I can have control of 4 groups of index around the variable, how i show above. G_INDEX1 G_INDEX2 VARIABLE G_INDEX3 G_INDEX4 I apreciate very much your help. best regards JADO
Just a short question - I tried isolating U(t) below. The paper I got this from didn't give what U would be, but there shouldn't be an imaginary part - I forget what command/assumptions to use in order to get rid of it. I've attached the rest of my worksheet in case anyone wants to see it - the parameters I used in param1 were given in the paper.

Maple Equation

e1 := 30 = (0.19e-1*exp(2.5588*U(t))+0.518e-1*exp(2.6788*U(t)))*U(t);

I'm trying to graph this differential f''(x) + x/f(x)=0 where y(0)=y'(1)=0 and x is in the range of (0,1) so far I have > de := diff(y(x),x,x)+x/y(x)=0; > ics := y(0)=0, D(y)(1)=0; > dsolve({de,ics}); / 2 \ | d | x de := |---- y(x)| + ---- = 0 | 2 | y(x) \ dx / ics := y(0) = 0, D(y)(1) = 0 it is not solving. Is there anything I' doing wrong?
Hi, I want to solve a kinematics problem. I have the following DE: > eq1:=diff(v(t),t)+4.646e-4*v(t)^3-7.13e-3*v(t)^2-0.085*v(t)-2.82: Where v=v(t) is the speed and t the time. My goal is to get the space crossed in a period of time: from t=3.35 to t=4.77 (seconds). Additional info: v(3.35)=14.77 m/s v(4.77)=20.4 m/s I've tried solving this with Maple but I couldn't (I'm a Maple newbie). This is what I tried: 1) I isolate the v and dv terms equation, so that: dt=dv/(-4.646e-4*v^3+7.13e-3*v^2+0.085*v+2.82) 2) Then I integrate that to get the time is function of the speed, t=f(v).
Is there an online forum/discussion board devoted to the use of Maple in mathematics education? The forums I know about (here, usenet groups), seem mostly technical. But I have some education questions I'd like to ask - I just don't know where to ask them. cheers, Alasdair
I am trying to optimize a function using NLPSolve. The function is in Matlab and Maple calls the function and optimizes it. The values that I am getting are not correct. The optimal values of the parameters are outside the range tha I specify and the function value is not what should correspond to these optimal values. I have attached both the Maple and Matlab codes herewith. Looking forward to your help. Maple File: restart; Matlab:-evalM("cd 'c:/documents and settings/user/my documents'"); mat2map5 := proc (a, b) local Res, res; Matlab:-setvar("a", a); Matlab:-setvar("b", b);
I am trying to call a Matlab function from Maple code. In doing this I am facing the following proble: When I use this statement to identify the matlab directory I get an error messgae "too many input arguments": (Matlab:-evalM)("cd c:/documents and settings/user/my documents") However, it works when I use the following: (Matlab:-evalM)("cd c:/") I would highly appreciate if someone could help me out with this. Thanks
The Maple 10 Quick Reference Card is now available as a downloadable, printable version from the Maplesoft website. UNIX, Macintosh and Windows versions are all available. The quick refernce card is also available with Maple 10 in electronic form and contains a summary of important concepts and commands. To see the Quick Reference Card inside Maple, go to Help>Quick Reference.
Stupid question maybe, but how can you hide output of a for loop? The usual : does not work here... Thanks for your help.
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