MapleSim 5 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim 5

What shall I do to install Maple 15 and MapleSym 5 in a Windos 10 environment.

I find the procedure in Maplesoft site up to Windows 8.

May I follow it for Windows 10.

Thank you for any help. Kind regards



I have modeled a 3DOF manipulator with crank-arm type actuators in maplesim!!!

It simulates the model... but when I "Create Attachement>Equations" and when I click on "load selected subsystem"... it starts evaluating but never gives me equation... I have waited for almost 2 hours but no luck!!!!

Any idea what should I do to get equations for this model??? 


P.s. I have attached the moel!!!


I'm running a 2D parameter sweep from Maple 15 on a MapleSim 5 model. The output is stored in a 2D matrix.  I've encountered two problems:

1) when I graph it with matrixplot the z-axis values are fine but I can't figure out how to change the x-axis and y-axis values from the matrix indices to the actual values of the swept parameters. 

2) When the parameter sweep begins I get a warning about storing the values in a matrix.  Maple...


I have an inverse kinematics model for a double inverted pendulum. There are multiple solutions for each joint angles due to symmetry and I have to choose the appropriate ones. I thought I can use the previous choices and compare them with the current multiple solutions, so I could choose the ones which are closer to the previous ones. However, since the double inverted pendulum moves in in both region at the equilibrium, this aproach does not work. Could you advise...


The model that i uploaded (EqQui.msim) has a component with severall output and 4 inputs, but 2 of the inputs (LgKph2o and Lgkpco2) depends on one of the outputs. The 2 interpolation tables transfor the output variable (temperature) in this two inputs. All components works fine independtly (first "model", the one on the top), but if i link the exit of both interpolation tables mapleSim say it cant solve a lot of variables.


I need to get inverse kinematics model of a double inverted pendulum. I got a model but it gives error when I run. It seems to me that the inverse kinematics model is not quite right. If you are able to help me, I will be very pleased.DoublePendulumI.msim 

Thanks for your help....









How can we re-initialize a multi-body system, for example a three link pendulum, based on measurements obtained from various sensors? Can we generate a modelica custom component which has inputs from various sensors and the output is the re-initialized states for the multi-body system?

Thanks for your help....


I have a simulation file consisting of a number of modelica custom componets and maple custom components. I initially generated Random Data with mean 1 and standard deviation 0.5. Constructed all the blocks and combined with a multibody system, it worked fine. However, when I generated Random data with zero mean, then I have this error/problem "Simulation Problem: maximum number of event iterations reached (100) at 1.85000".

I used a couple of pre() function with clock=sample(0,0.01...

dear sir, I want to use maplesim to import the modelica model of truetime network, but failed. the model is writen in modelica 2, is there any way to sovle this problem?



I have created a MapleSim model including a few custom components. When I try to run the simulation, I receive the following error:

cannot resolve function `Main.'Typesetting:-mambiguous'`; there is no function `'Typesetting:-mambiguous'` visible in model `Main`


How do I know where the source of the error is?


Thank you,


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