MapleSim 5 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim 5

Hi all,

A while ago, I had asked a question relating to calling to an MapleSim .msim simulation within maple .mw worksheet. (Thank you Acer! :) I got it working but then another issue just popped up...The basic structure is as follows:


A := MapleSim:-LinkModel('filename' = "TriplePendulum_WORKS_v2.msim")

for z from 1 to 50 do




I have created a MapleSim model including a few custom components. When I try to run the simulation, I receive the following error:

cannot resolve function `Main.'Typesetting:-mambiguous'`; there is no function `'Typesetting:-mambiguous'` visible in model `Main`


How do I know where the source of the error is?


Thank you,



Je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner un montage simple.

J'ai un message d'erreur : (in dsolve/numeric/RunSimulation) unable to compile, please check your options by running with infolevel [ToExternal]:=1; simulation failed.

Que dois-je faire ?

Windows 7  64bits / Maple 61bits



How can I model a ground pattern, like was done in the demos of the planetary rover (

I see in the block model of the planetary rover that there is a component called "ground pattern" and it is not connected to any of the other components of the model, and this component is also not part of any default libraries of Maplesim.


I downloaded the Modelica_Fluid 1.0 Library from the Modelica website. When I try to import this library into MapleSim5 I get the following error:

Duplicate class definition found for Modelica_Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.Detailed.msim/UNKNOWN

I then click "ok" and the importing stops working with the last message being:

Querying Modelica classes...

Can anybody offer help with this?


Hi simulators

Is there an easy way to give a global time frame/limits for all plots: typically I need to simulate a few seconds to get rid of all my transients, and then I would like to zoom in on the effect of interest. Now I have only found out how to reset one by one each graph via the axis properties, I have a dozen graphs per simulation 4 variables to scan over ten points each, that makes a damn lot of graphs properties click to reset, results: I need 60 sec to...

MapleSim has been delivering unique advantages in physical modeling and system simulation for many years. Today we release the latest iteration: MapleSim 5. Looking back at some of the earlier versions of our software, it is hard to believe that this is the same product; from the user interface to the component libraries to the simulation engine, every part of the system has experienced a striking evolution.

Like its predecessors, MapleSim 5 is based on the Maple mathematical...

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