MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

This isn't the first time that I've seen a question that doesn't seem to have received a comment or answer, but which, when I click on the question title, turns out to have received one.
Here's the opposite phenomenon: a question appears to have two comments or answers, but none of them exist (9:38 GMT+1)

Screen capture from the main page

Screen capture from the question page

I tried to contact an author using the menu item more->contact autor.

I got the following back from

The IP-adress (domain does not match the IP-adress of my mailprovider.

The authentification of the mailprovider works when I send directly from this mailprovider to gmail accounts.

Is this a known issue when sending via or only temporary?

Is gmail too restrictive?

This text is typed directly into the browser. I can now change the font size to something bigger. I can also change the font from Default to something else.

This text in Calibri 11 was pasted from Word. What do I have to do to change it to MaplePrimes default font (which I have used above)? Selecting default from 

does not work because default is already selected when I put the cursor into the pasted text.

What is the default font type by the way? Can I change it permanetly?

All on Windows 10 and with Firefox.

It's becoming increasingly common for questions to be deleted, the most frequently evoked argument being that they duplicate earlier questions.
Usually it's the author of the question who complains, in this case it's the one who provided an answer.

I've always found this self-given freedom on the part of moderators somewhat inappropriate, especially given that these deletions are done on the sly, without even the courage to be explicitly claimed by their authors.

Couldn't these latter take the time to leave a message indicating what they've just done (and why) and where the deleted question, and any exchanges associated with it, can be found?
Otherwise, this attitude is more akin to contempt and censorship than to real management of this blog.

A few years ago, when I came to this site, these deletions were the exception and I can only deplore the fact that they have become commonplace.
They say that life is better elsewhere, I don't know, but what I do know is that I've never come across this on any Scilab, R, SageMath or OpenTurns user's blog.

Anyway, here's the reply I sent to @salim-barzani :

I currently have problems uploading

i am not jobles to post in here and you delete them one by one, when i post i am waiting for response not you delete them, with this cuase my question are repeat or something like that 
this time delete my post i will upload 1000 of nonsense question and post  and go delete all of them ...

@sand15 answered my question but I cannot reply to him. Preview is ok. When I press 'Submit' there is a blue bar and a dot running from the left to the right. It never stops. Why?

If I'm not mistaken Mapleprimes doesn't accept m files nor folders.


When I began posting replies or answers in Mapleprimes I remember Carl Love explaining me the difference between them.
I was a newbie by then but I think I've grown up and now I know the difference between a reply and a comment.
For reasons of my own, which I will perhaps explain in a post one day, I have decided to sent only comments and no more answers.

Unfortuntely administrators, or maybe a robot, keep turning my comments into answers.
Which in turn forces me to convert these answers into comments, which are then converted back into answers... which may never end and is a complite waste of time.

Is there a way to declare that I want my choices to be respected?

(For the record I've even written in the header of my comment that I didn't want it to be converted into an answer, but the comment was removed and the conversion done !)

This is an extremely common situation; either some moderator displaced or deleted the question, or the OP deleted himself (herself).
Whatever the reason, it's always extremely upsetting to be confronted with this situation, which shows how rude, to put it mildly, some people can be.

Initial question (this day, about 2 hours ago)


I noticed tags on the post

keep disappearing. 

I added tags "differential equation" and "dsolve" and so on.  

Later on when I visit this site again I found the tags are all gone.

Why does Mapleprimes remove the tags on post?

Or is someone else removing the tags? If so, why? is something wrong with the tags I've added?

This happend twice on this one post. I noticed earlier today the tags were gone, so I added them again. And now I see the same thing. They are all gone.

I have noticed over a few questions I have asked recently.
I ask a question.                   It goes to top of active converstaions
Some  one answers                                            "

I Reply                                                                *

A bit of time passes  so slides  of the top six/seven that show

Another Reply/Answer from someone                possibly does not show in active conversations.  I catch this by the orange flag or email notification

I reply                                 Does not appear in active conversations..

       This can kill the conversation chain.

I have even tried changing one of me replys to an answer but did not go to top active conversations again.

Has anyone else expperienced this?  

I asked a question a while ago

Which did not get any immediate responses but one late one which i had replied to, but nothing else since then. 

Is it appropriate to delete and repost and try to get more responses/exposure and see if anyone else has any ideas? 

Since @ecterrab is the one who responded I consider this an interesting problem that I would like to continue discussing. 

For the past days I observe that reply to posts stucks at the progess bar

(using a firefox browser). I am wondering whether that is only on my installation. Loading pages is not slow as reported here. I have a suspicion that this happens after having previewed a reply before submission. I observe also sometimes a yellow background of the preview and sometimes a blue background.

I try to submit now with blue backgound

Has anyone else noticed that Mapleprimes response/loading/refreshing time has become relatively much slower in the past few weeks?

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