Question: Miktex 2.9 and Maple 13 (Help)

Hello guys I'm writing to you becouse I have some problem with miktex and maple.

I exported Maple workshed to tex file, but when I compiled  pdf by Winshell or TexnicCenter I have big problem.

The pdf file looks that:

I dont know why. I did some things ( copy ETC files from Maple to my document folder) but it's dosent help. I red some website and they are writing that:

"The MikTeX installer will create 2 directories that you should know the locations of: texmf and localtexmf. By default, these directories are created as




You are given the option of creating the second one (localtexmf), and I highly recommend that you do, especially if you plan on creating PDF files from Maple. "

But I can't find texfm or localtexfm on my PC

What should I do?? Please help me !  I need this to my graduate project


Best regards ( Sorry for my english)

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