Question: do-loop for ODe


I am trying to run maple file for k=1, k=2 ....

My do-loop did not work. What I would like to do is to solve the ODE then have new inc and solve it again.

I should have U(405) then U(770) ....


> restart;

> with(DEtools); with(plots);

> lambda := 0.1; delta := .5;

tau := 40;

> for k to 3 do 365*k end do;

> ode := diff(U(t), t) = -lambda(t)*U(t)*U(t);

> inc1 := U(0) = 100;

> sol1 := dsolve({inc1, ode}, U(t), numeric);

> F := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol1(t)[2]) end proc;


Z := (1-delta)*F(365*k+tau+0);

inc2 := U(365*k+tau+0) = Z;

> sol2 := dsolve({inc2, ode}, U(t), numeric);


Please any help or advice.

Thank you

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