Question: Testing for a complex number

I need to test a list of numbers to find if any of them are complex. if a complex is found then remove that complete row from the list. the potential complex numbers in my list are a, b and c. b is complex i.e has a non zero imaginery part in row 1 so only row 1 should get deleted. the a b and c were originally generated from the arcsin function. Would appreciate help on this. I know it should be simple enough to do. Thanks in advance.


X := [-311.33373, -0.3e-4]

[-311.33373, -0.3e-4]


Y := [250.56151, -0.495e-1]

[250.56151, -0.495e-1]


Z := [93.29802, 668.8913]

[93.29802, 668.8913]


a := [28.60830, 0.2e-4]

[28.60830, 0.2e-4]


b := [90.00000-3.77234*I, 0.1e-4]

[90.00000-3.77234*I, 0.1e-4]


c := [-24.94060, -54.20180]

[-24.94060, -54.20180]


for i to nops(X) do if `or`(`or`(Im(a[i]) <> 0, Im*b[i] <> 0), Im(c[i]) <> 0) then X[i] := xx; Y[i] := xx; Z[i] := xx; a[i] := xx; b[i] := xx; c[i] := xx end if end do


[xx, xx]



[xx, xx]



[xx, xx]



[xx, xx]



[xx, xx]



[xx, xx]


select(has, X, xx); 1; X := remove(has, X, xx)



select(has, Y, xx); 1; Y := remove(has, Y, xx)



select(has, Z, xx); 1; Z := remove(has, Z, xx)



select(has, a, xx); 1; a := remove(has, a, xx)



select(has, b, xx); 1; b := remove(has, b, xx)



select(has, c, xx); 1; c := remove(has, c, xx)





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