Question: error in initial,

i have a problem when i input this code in maple,..

how it can be error?

what the solve?

thanks for help me

the code:

> with(plots); with(DEtools); with(plottools); a := 0, 5; b := 0, 2; c := 0, 7; d := 0, 2; E := 0, 1;
                                    0, 5
                                    0, 2
                                    0, 7
                                    0, 2
                                    0, 1
> e1 := diff(x(t), t) = (a-E)*x(t)-b*x(t)*y(t);
                  --- x(t) = (0, 4) x(t) - (0, 2) x(t) y(t)
> e2 := diff(y(t), t) = d*x(t)*y(t)-(c+E)*y(t);
                  --- y(t) = (0, 2) x(t) y(t) - (0, 8) y(t)
> vars := [x(t), y(t)];
                                [x(t), y(t)]
> init1 := [x(0) = 0, y(0) = .1]; init2 := [x(0) = 0, y(0) = .15]; inits3 := [x(0) = 1, y(0) = .5]; domain := 0 .. 180;
                           [x(0) = 0, y(0) = 0.1]
                           [x(0) = 0, y(0) = 0.15]
                           [x(0) = 1, y(0) = 0.5]
                                  0 .. 180
> L := DEplot({e1, e2}, vars, domain, {inti1}, stepsize = .5, scene = [t, y], arrows = NONE);
Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckInitial) invalid initial conditions - must be list of lists of conditions
> H := DEplot({e1, e2}, vars, domain, {inti1}, stepsize = .5, scene = [t, x], arrows = NONE);
Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckInitial) invalid initial conditions - must be list of lists of conditions
> display({H, L}, litle = 'CobaCoba*Bulan');
Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckInitial) invalid initial conditions - must be list of lists of conditions

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