Question: Length of output exceeds limit of 1000000

Are There  options to solve this problem?

I solved a PDE system and got module() export plot,plot3d,animate,value,settings; ... end module (Got ui(x,t) and ur(x,t))
And after it I try to solve the task
Xs := [0, .175, .789, 1.818, 3.287, 5.183];
n := 1;
interface(prettyprint = 1);

for t1 from 0 by 50 to 50 do
k1 := sol:-value(t1, output = listprocedure);
k111 := diff(k1(Xs[n])[3], x);
k112 := diff(k1(Xs[n])[4], x);
K := (k111*ur(Xs[n], t1)-ui(Xs[n], t1)*k112)/(ur(Xs[n], t1)^2+ui(Xs[n], t1)^2);
n := n+1 end do 

Why I have an error [Length of output exceeds limit of 1000000]?
I expected to get 5  values of K 

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