Question: error-too many arguments

Can you help me, why I have such error

with(PDEtools); m := 1/64
r := (8/15)*m
l1` := (40*(1+tanh(n(t))))*(diff(k(t), t)) = -20*r*(1+tanh(n(t)))^2+z(t)/cosh(n(t))^2-(2*(1+tanh(n(t))))*k(t)^2/cosh(n(t))^2 
l2 := 20*(diff(z(t), t)) = -20*r*(1+tanh(n(t)))^2*k(t)+(2/3)*k(t)*(1+tanh(n(t)))/cosh(n(t))^2
l3 := 20*(diff(n(t), t)) = k(t)*(1+tanh(n(t)))
IBC := {k(0) = 0, n(0) = 0, z(0) = 1/3}
funcs := {k(t), n(t), z(t)}
 sys := {l1, l2, l3};print(??);

pdsolve(sys, funcs, IBC); 

Error, (in pdsolve/sys) too many arguments; some or all of the following are wrong: [{k(t), n(t), z(t)}, {k(0) = 0, n(0) = 0, z(0) = 1/3}]

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