Question: Extract number from "solutionpoint"

Dear All, 

I am doing a simple optimization and I am getting an answer at the end. I want the output of the optimization problem to be assigned to a number instead of a list. Could anyone please suggest a resolution for this?

Following is the code


dummy1 := sqrt(1/(1+y*e));

R := RandomVariable(Normal(y*e*z/(1+y*e), dummy1));

 y := 1; b := .3; a := 1.25;  z := 1; e := .2:


> t := Maximize(-(int(exp(-a*b*j*r)*PDF(R, r), r = 0 .. infinity))-(int(PDF(R, r), r = -infinity .. 0)));

[-0.427566070299999990, [j = (28.78538927587083)]]


Is there are anyway 28.78538927587083 can be assigned to "t"?


Thank you!


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