Question: Maple code of the following algorithm

I want to write maple code of the following algorithm with

the following parameters and initial values please help me.

T0 = 5.5556 × 107 cells, I0 = 1.1111 × 107 cells, V0 = 6.3096 × 109 copies/ml,


c = 0.67, h = 1, d = 3.7877 × 10−3, δ = 3.259d,

λ = 2/3× 108d, R0 = 1.33,

p = (cV0δR0)/λ(R0−1)

and β = dδcR0/λp .


step 1 :
T(0) = T0, I(0) = I0, V (0) = V0 λi(100 ) = 0 (i=1, ..., 3), u1(0) = 0 =

step 2 :
for i=1, ..., n-1, do :
Ti+1=(Ti + hλ)/(1 + h[d + (1 − u1i)βVi]),

Ii+1 =(Ii + h(1 − u1i)βViTi+1)/(1 + hδ),

Vi+1 =(Vi + h(1 − u2i)pIi+1)/(1 + hc),

λ1n−i−1 =(λ1n−i + h[1 + (1 − u1i)βVi+1])/(1 + h[d + (1 − u1i)βVi+1]),

λ2n−i−1 =(λ2n−i+ hλ3n−i (1 − u2i)p)/(1 + hδ),

λ3n−i−1 =(λ3n−i + h(λ2n−i−1− λ1n−i−1 )(1 − u1i)βTi+1)/(1 + hc),

R1i+1 =(1/A1)(λ1n−i−1−λ2n−i−1 )βVi+1Ti+1,

R2i+1 =−(1/A2)λ3n−i−1 pIi+1,


u1i+1 = min(1, max(R1i+1 , 0)),

u2i+1 = min(1, max(R2i+1 , 0)),

end for


step 3 :
for i=1, ..., n-1, write
T(ti) = Ti, I(ti) = Ii, V(ti) = Vi,

u1(ti) = u1i, u2(ti) = u2i.

end for

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