Question: graph not printing

i cant find the error the program is saying i have 

> L := -1.576674; MU := 0; DE13 := {D(y)*t = -x(t)*(1-2*x(t)*x(t))+MU*y(t)*(x(t)*x(t)-3*y(t)*y(t)-L), (D(x))(t) = y(t)*(1-y(t)*y(t))+MU*y(t)*(x(t)*x(t)-3*y(t)*y(t)-L)}; DEplot(DE13, [x(t), y(t)], t = -20 .. 20, [[x(0) = 0.1e-1, y(0) = .99], [x(0) = 0.5e-1, y(0) = .95], [x(0) = .1, y(0) = .9], [x(0) = 0.4e-1, y(0) = .96]], stepsize = 0.1e-2, scene = [x(t), y(t)], title = "phaseplane plot", linecolor = black, thickness = 1, number = 1000);
Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckInitial) too few initial conditions: [x(0) = 0.1e-1, y(0) = .99]

it might be hard to read but if someone could help me it would be very appreciated 

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