Question: Supressing Warnings

restart; printf("Factory Simulation: %s\n\n", Ghana*Chocolates); printf("Chocolate Factory Simulation Project .\n\n"); printf("%5a  %10a  %10a  %10a  %10a  %10a   \n", W, O(t, t+1), B(t), T(t), F(t), R(t)); printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); _local(T, R, F, B, O, Q); initialise := proc (n) local i, t, a; T := proc (t) options operator, arrow; 250 end proc; R := proc (t) options operator, arrow; 150 end proc; F := proc (t) options operator, arrow; 250 end proc; B := proc (t) options operator, arrow; 50 end proc; for i to n do t := i; if B(t) < F(t) then Ds(t, t+1) := B(t) else Ds(t, t+1) := F(t) end if; M(t, t+1) := 50; O(t, t+1) := 50; P(t, t+1) := 50; if t = 2 then O(t, t+1) := 100 elif t = 3 then O(t, t+1) := 0 end if; P(t, t+1) := T(t)-F(t)+Ds(t, t+1); if R(t) < P(t, t+1) then P(t, t+1) := R(t) elif R(t) < 0 then P(t, t+1) := 0 end if; R(t+1) := R(t)+M(t, t+1)-P(t, t+1); F(t+1) := F(t)+P(t, t+1)-Ds(t, t+1); B(t+1) := B(t)+O(t, t+1)-Ds(t, t+1); R(t) := R(t+1); F(t) := F(t+1); B(t) := B(t+1); for a to t do Q(t, t+1) := O(t, t+1)+O(t-t+a, t-t+a+1) end do; T(t+1) := (t+1)*Q(t, t+1)/t; printf("%5a  %10a  %10a  %10a  %10a  %10a   \n", i, evalf[3](O(t, t+1)), evalf[3](B(t)), evalf[3](T(t)), evalf[3](F(t)), evalf[3](R(t))) end do; printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n"); Restart; printf("%5a  %10a  %10a  %10a     \n", W, M(t, t+1), P(t, t+1), Ds(t, t+1)); printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") end proc; initialise(10)

    1         50.         50.        250.        250.        150.   
    2        100.        100.        200.        200.        200.   
    3          0.          0.        300.        300.         50.   
    4         50.         50.          0.          0.        400.   
    5         50.        100.        125.        125.        325.   
    6         50.         50.        120.        120.        280.   
    7         50.         50.        117.        117.        283.   
    8         50.         50.        114.        114.        286.   
    9         50.         50.        112.        112.        288.   
   10         50.         50.        111.        111.        289.   

    W          50      875/18          50     





Hi All,


I need to suppress the warning messages when i try to pring my Table. Any help will be much apreciated.




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