Question: Writing out a problem set in on the computer

For solving problem sets, I have a pdf template I created for myself that has a header with a blank for the class name, TA, professor, date, etc. In addition to this header, I had a margin on the left to scribble questions I had and to holepunch. 


I used to print out the template and write on the template and turn in that as my pset.


I am nowthinking of doing everything on the computer. Writing out all of the problem set on the computer. Combining stuff from maple, combining handwritten stuff from the computer using a digitizer. However I want to write it all on top of the my template that I created, which is a pdf file. I can turn the pdf into an image file if need be. 


What would be the easiest way to do what I want? To open a program that automatically sets that pdf as the template and easily lets me handwrite stuff I want and paste in maple code? 


Right now if I tried my idea, I would basically be constantly copying and pasting stuff from maple and my digitizer drawn pictures/equations into one file and it would be very clumsy.


Basically there are problems that I do partially on maple and I just want to unify all my work into one easy, printable file. 

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