Question: Physics - Tetrads and Spinors on Manifold


I've noticed there are settings to set the type of index for spinors or gauge index in the physics package. i.e Setup(spinorindices=lowercaselatin). I also notice there is a setting for specifying the form of tetrads. 

I cannot find any further documention or examples on how to use these functions. Could anyone point me in the direction of a text or help function as to how these are implemented. 

Simple examples of things I am trying to do:

> with(Physics); Setup(spinorindices=lowercaselatin, metric = <some_line_element>)

> tetrad[`mu`,`~a`] = Matrix(<some tetrad matrix>) 

> Define(%)

I recieve the following error: invalid input: unknown uses a 2nd argument, a, which is missing.

I am hoping for a tensor that uses the metric to raise/lower the `mu` component and the minkowskian metric to raise/lower the `a` component. 

If there is further documentation that I am missing, I'm happy to check that out instead of asking lots of questions here. 

Thanks again.

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