Question: Hide variables in results of Jacobian / Diff


for my simulation I have to calculate several gradients and jacobian matrices. The equations are quite complex and with my current setup hard to read.


Here is some exampel code:

SetCoordinates(cartesian[x, y, z]);
alias(u = u(t, x, y, z), v = v(t, x, y, z), w = w(t, x, y, z)); alias(eta = eta(t, x, y, z));
U := VectorField(`<,>`(u, v, w));
Diff(U, t);

The Divergence operator gives me a very compact result:

But Jaobian and Diff look like:


To achive a better readability I want to do two things (if possible):

1) hide the independet variables (t,x,y,z) in the result of Jacobian, Diff

2) display the result of Diff in a row vector (3x1) instead


Is this possible?

Thanks in advance for your help



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