Question: plot simpson integral

hello i need plot integrale of siampson thank you

> Simpson := proc(f, a, b, n)
> local h, S1, S2, S, i;
> h := (b-a)/n;
> S1 := 0.0;
> for i from 0 to n-1 do
> S1 := S1 + f(a + (2*i+1)*h);
> end do;
> S2 := 0.0;
> for i from 1 to n-1 do
> S2 := S2 + f(a + (2*i)*h);
> end do;
> S := (h/3) * ( f(a)+f(b) + 4*S1 + 2*S2 );
> return S;
> end proc:
> Digits := 5;

                             Digits := 5

> f := x -> 1/sqrt(39.24*x-44.65*(x*arccos(x)-sqrt(1-x^2)-13.88*(1-x^2)^1.5));

  f := x -> 1/sqrt(39.24 x

                                          2                2 1.5
         - 44.65 (x arccos(x) - sqrt(1 - x ) - 13.88 (1 - x )   ))

> Simpson(f, 0, 1, 100):
> p:=int(f(x), x=0..0.1);

                            p := 0.0038931

> w:=int(f(x), x=0.1..0.2);

                            w := 0.0039570

> m:=int(f(x), x=0.2..0.3);

                            m := 0.0040826

> l:=int(f(x), x=0.3..0.4);

                            l := 0.0042836

> kohv:=int(f(x), x=0.4..0.5);

                          kohv := 0.0045860

> q:=int(f(x), x=0.5..0.6);

                            q := 0.0050373

> s:=int(f(x), x=0.6..0.7);

                            s := 0.0057306

> d:=int(f(x), x=0.8..0.9);

                            d := 0.0089874

> f:=int(f(x), x=0.9..1);

                            f := 0.013349

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