Question: DEplot. help for plotting an ODE solution


i make an attempt to plot the solution to

Here is my code :

> with(plots); with(DEtools);
> ode1 := diff(x(t), t) = v(t); ode2 := diff(v(t), t) = -(.8*9.8)*v(t)/abs(v(t))-cos(t)^2;
> MODEL := {ode1, ode2}; VARS := {v(t), x(t)}; DOMAIN := t = 0 .. 150; RANGE := x = -1 .. 1, v = -5 .. 5; COLORS := [BLACK, BLUE]; IC1 := [x(0) = .5, v(0) = .25]; IC2 := [x(0) = 2.5, v(0) = 3];
> DEplot(MODEL, VARS, DOMAIN, RANGE, [IC1, IC2], stepsize = .1, linecolor = COLORS, scene = [t, x]);

and the message cannot evaluate the solution further right of .16015784, maxfun limit exceeded (see ?dsolve,maxfun for details)

Any other attemp has failed.

Have you got somme ideas



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