Question: Why does solve not work with tolerances variables?

In Maple 2015:


a:= 3 &+- 1;
b:= 2 &+- 1;
c:= 2 &+- 1;

gives "Error, (in evalr) improper op or subscript selector"

Is there a way to make it work with interval, i.e. Tolerances variables?  In Mathematica, the above works:

a = Interval[{2, 4}];
b = Interval[{1, 3}];
c = Interval[{1, 3}];
Solve[a*x^2 + b*x + c == 0, x]

Screen shot:


I was hoping to get similar result with Maple.  Is there differenet package/commands to work with interval variables in Maple that would support all operations if not this package?


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