Question: Displacement in elasticity


I've this equation ,what is displacement,

U := sum(C[i]*lambda[i]*h^2*M*(C[13]+C[55])*exp(Z*lambda[i]*M)*cos(M*x)/C[11], i = 1 .. 4);
 But when I used the data ,I do not get the right result

the datas are

h := .25;
M := Pi/L; L := 1;
E[3] := 1; E[1] := 40; E[2] := 1;
V[13] := .25; V[31] := .25; V[12] := .25; V[23] := .25; V[32] := .25; V[21] := .25;

G[44] := .2; G[55] := .2; G[66] := .2;

G[13] := .5;

C[55] := G[13];

Omega := -2*V[13]*V[21]*V[32]-V[12]*V[21]-V[13]*V[31]-V[23]*V[32]+1;

C[11] := (-V[23]*V[32]+1)*E[1]/Omega;

C[12] := (V[13]*V[32]+V[12])*E[2]/Omega;

C[33] := (1-V[12]*V[12])*E[3]/Omega;


C[1] := -.2596702449; C[2] := -2.411545729; C[3] := -0.6051254981e-1; C[4] := .4085627399;

lambda[1] := .6891428810; lambda[2] := -.6891428810; lambda[3] := 9.177422410; lambda[4] := -9.177422410;

could you help me plase

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