Question: The "Happy Ages" problem

This is not actually a question, but an interesting problem found in the recent book (2nd edition, 2015):
Mathematica®: A Problem-Centered Approach
by  Hazrat Roozbeh

I hope that you will enjoy the problem too.

Define the functions f, h : N --> N by
f(n) = the sum of the squares of the digits of n; e.g. f(25) = 2^2 + 5^2 = 29.
h(n) = min {f(n), f(f(n)), f(f(f(n))), ... };  e.g. h(7)  = min{49,97,130,10,1} = 1.

A natural number n is happy if h(n) = 1.
Find all the happy ages, i.e., happy numbers up to 100.
Conclude that happy ages are mostly before one gets a job or after retirement!

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