Question: Minimum of maximum of parametric polynomial

Let us consider the maximum value of the polynomial


on the interval x=-1..1 as a function g of the parameters c and d. General considerations suggest its continuity. However, a plot3d of g does not  confirm it.  Also the question arises "Is the function g(c,d) bounded from below?". Here is my try with the DirectSearch and NLPSolve:



g(10, -10)



plot(x^4+x^3+10*x^2-10*x-10-1, x = -1 .. 1)


plot3d(g, -5 .. 5, -5 .. 5, grid = [100, 100], style = surface, color = "DarkOliveGreen")


DirectSearch:-GlobalOptima(proc (a, b) options operator, arrow; g(a, b) end proc, {a = -1000 .. 1000, b = -1000 .. 1000}, variables = [a, b])

[-167.208333252089, Vector(2, {(1) = 999.9999999975528, (2) = 166.20833325208952}, datatype = float[8]), 815]


DirectSearch:-GlobalOptima( (a, b) -> g(a, b), variables = [a, b])

DirectSearch:-GlobalOptima(proc (a, b) options operator, arrow; g(a, b) end proc, variables = [a, b])

Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) invalid input: PolynomialTools:-CoefficientVector expects its 1st argument, poly, to be of type polynom(anything, x), but received HFloat(HFloat(undefined))*x^4+HFloat(HFloat(undefined))*x^3+HFloat(HFloat(undefined))*x^2+HFloat(HFloat(undefined))*x+HFloat(HFloat(undefined))






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