Question: From MATLAB code to Maple one

this is the matlab is it possible to rewrite it in simple maple code

J = rand()+1e-10;

function [M, num, E] = ising(N,J)

B = 0;

M = []; % The total magnetic field of the system

E = []; % The total energy of the system

randTol = 0.1; % The tolerance, dampens the spin flip process

% First we generate a random initial configuration

spin = (-1).^(round(rand(N)));

% Then we let the system evolve for a fixed number of steps

for i=1:1000,

% Calculating the total spin of neighbouring cells

neighbours = circshift(spin, [ 0 1]) + ...

circshift(spin, [ 0 -1]) + ...

circshift(spin, [ 1 0]) + ...

circshift(spin, [-1 0]);

% Calculate the change in energy of flipping a spin

DeltaE = 2 * (J*(spin .* neighbours) + B*spin);

% Calculate the transition probabilities

p_trans = exp(-DeltaE);

% Decide which transitions will occur

transitions = (rand(N) < p_trans ).*(rand(N) < randTol) * -2 + 1;

% Perform the transitions

spin = spin .* transitions;

% Sum up our variables of interest

M = sum(sum(spin));

E = -sum(sum(DeltaE))/2; % Divide by two because of double counting

% Display the current state of the system (optional)


xlabel(sprintf('J = %0.2f, M = %0.2f, E = %0.2f', J, M/N^2, E/N^2));


axis square; colormap bone; drawnow;


% Count the number of clusters of 'spin up' states

[L, num] = bwlabel(spin == 1, 4);


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