Question: Physics courses that use the Maple Physics Package

I apologize because this is not a technical question but I believe that the question and issue that I have is probably of interest to a wide range of Maple users.   I am a retired biophysicist and have been using Maple as a tool in my research since Maple 5.  I recently became aware of the amazing Maple Physics Package.  It seems to offer an incredible advance.  I say “seems” because its notation and complexity is a bit overwhelming.  What I was hoping to find was a complete course (or courses) in physics that used this package.  I was hoping that with such a course I could go through it in detail and could relearn physics and become proficient in using the package.  Unfortunately, after considerable search, I could not find such a course.  (There are some older brief tutorials that do not take advantage of the features in the new Physics package.)  I am sure that there must be some physics courses that are based around this Physics Package, certainly at the University of Waterloo or the Perimeter Institute.  I would like to suggest that these courses be made available online (with a fee if necessary).  If such courses were available I know that I would avidly use them as I am sure would many others.

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