Question: How can I display operators such as + and - and sqrt() without having them actually applied?


It is possible to display something like:

4 + 3 = x - 1

without Maple actually adding the 4 and 3 and putting that as a 7?


Same idea with sqrt. Is it possible to write sqrt(9) in a worksheet and actually seeing it as square root of 9 rather than a 3. Maple automatically simplifies everything so it's kinda hard to show a step by step process. Is there a way to solve this problem?

To be clear, I am talking about typing this into an active worsheet line. I know I can do a lot of this if I just do text becuase text lines obviously don't execute. They just display text. The reason I need to have this working is becuase sometimes I would have a command line where I want some of it to be excuted and some of it not so I can't just use text.

Thank you


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